
instant [ˈɪnstənt]  [ˈɪnstənt] 


instant 基本解释


名词瞬间,顷刻; 此刻; 当月; 速食食品,即溶饮料

形容词立即的; 迫切的; 正在考虑的,目前的; 即食的

instant 相关词组

1. in an instant : 马上;

2. on the instant : 马上;

instant 相关例句


1. The telegram asked for an instant reply.

2. The flood victims were in instant need of help.


1. I shall be back in an instant.

2. An instant later the explosion occurred.

3. I sent you the news the instant (that) I heard it.

instant 网络解释


1. 立即:(3)现在(present)与立即(instant)的复制(copy):杨牧的诗:(我已不是那爱写长信的少年了...),道尽时下已经没有人有耐心的做一件需要等候,需要毅力的大工程.

instant 词典解释

1. 瞬息;顷刻;刹那
    An instant is an extremely short period of time.

    e.g. For an instant, Catherine was tempted to flee...
    e.g. The pain disappeared in an instant.

2. (某一)时刻
    If you say that something happens at a particular instant, you mean that it happens at exactly the time you have been referring to, and you are usually suggesting that it happens quickly or immediately.

    e.g. At that instant the museum was plunged into total darkness...
    e.g. In the same instant he flung open the car door.

3. 一…(就)
    To do something the instant something else happens means to do it immediately.

    e.g. I had bolted the door the instant I had seen the bat.

4. 立即的;即刻的
    You use instant to describe something that happens immediately.

    e.g. Mr Porter's book was an instant hit...
    e.g. He had taken an instant dislike to Mortlake.

The man was killed instantly...
The songs are instantly recognisable.

5. (食品)已配制好的,调制快速方便的,速溶的
    Instant food is food that you can prepare very quickly, for example by just adding water.

    e.g. ...instant coffee.

instant 单语例句

1. But the instant noodle cabal either did not hear it or turned a deaf ear.

2. But I feel Microsoft should force anyone who uses MSN to go through mandatory etiquette training before activating the instant messaging system.

3. Tencent Weibo users are mostly teenagers who use the company's instant messaging service QQ, which has nearly 630 million active accounts.

4. instant

4. The active number of user accounts for QQ Instant Messenger amounted to 637 million, while its simultaneous online user accounts peaked at 119 million by September.

5. Victor Koo is ready to cash in on the instant success of Hu's parody.

6. Ang believes the key to Internet dating is approaching it casually without expecting to find an instant spouse at the click of a mouse.

7. instant

7. More cynical observers have labeled the scandal a handy headline grabber for Zhang, who gained instant celebrity status.

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8. But there are also strong voices criticizing " Super Girl " for promoting " vulgarity ", and discouraging youngsters from living life practically by providing instant celebrity.

9. instant什么意思

9. But " Super Girl " also drew official and public criticism for promoting " vulgarity " and discouraging youngsters from living life practically by providing instant celebrity.

10. instant

10. But " Super Girls " also drew official and public criticism for promoting " vulgarity " and discouraging youngsters from living life practically by providing instant celebrity.
