
spellbound [ˈspelbaʊnd]  [ˈspɛlˌbaʊnd] 






spellbound 基本解释

形容词入迷的,出神的; 被符咒镇住的

动词用符咒迷惑,迷住,使入迷( spellbind的过去式和过去分词 )

spellbound 相关例句



1. The children were spellbound by the circus performance.

2. She sat there motionless, as if spellbound.

spellbound 网络解释


1. 爱德华大夫:45) 第十八届奥斯卡金像奖最佳男主角提名 <<爱德华大夫>>(Spellbound)(1945) <<鹿苑长春>>(THE YEARLING)(1946) 第十九届奥斯卡金像奖最佳男主角提名 <<君子协定>> (GENTLEMAN'S AGREEMENT)(1947) 第二十届奥斯卡金像奖最佳影片,

2. 德华大夫:在<<卡萨布兰卡>>魅力无法挡,我不知道是不是这部电影给她带来了世界性的荣誉,但此后的<<战地钟声>> (For Whom the Bell Tolls) ,<<煤气灯下>>(Gaslight),<<风尘双侠>>(Saratoga Trunk) ,<<爱德华大夫>>(Spellbound),<<圣玛丽亚的钟

3. <拼字比赛>:如果要看电影,推荐2002年获提名奥斯卡金像奖最佳纪录长片奖的电影<<拼字比赛>>(Spellbound),裏面纪录了美国全国拼字比赛的情况,讲述8名来自不同地区、不同家庭背景的儿童,在这有多达9千万个参赛者的比赛中的经历.

spellbound 双语例句


1. Thereby hangs a tale and Russian are spellbound by the latest Georgian saga which has been unfolding.


2. Thereby hangs a tale and Russian are spellbound by the latest Georgian saga which has been unfold ing.

3. Thereby hangs a tale and Russian are spellbound by the latest Georgian saga which has been unfolding. save

4. In looking glass seeing when illuminating lens do up one's hair in the morning oneself, one face is spellbound, oneself are so painstaking it is for what.


5. She is beautiful. i am spellbound by her.


6. Well, I loved it, I was spellbound the whole time.

7. Eg: Ah…she`s beautiful, I`m spellbound by her, I`m going to have to go talk to her.

8. We often surround him and listen, spellbound, to his stories.

9. She was spellbound -- she knew he knew her.


10. The audience were spellbound by the magic of the performance.

11. All present seemed to be spellbound by the melody.

12. Alfred Hitchcock, who directed her in Notorious, Spellbound and Under Capricorn, was known to be obsessed with her.

13. Characters I and II (1992) are masterful combinations of oils and acrylic, silver and gold powder, ink, lacquer and varnish which cast a spell upon the viewer and hold him spellbound.

14. When spider program encounters this kind of structure, often can feel spellbound be at a loss.

15. I can well remember that there was a time when a deep blue sky, the song of the birds, moonlight and flowers could never have kept me spellbound.

16. The right guy can leave me spellbound.

17. An orator who can hold his listeners spellbound.

18. The optimize principle of navigation structure is not just those who want pair of people is alternant and friendly, must satisfy what prop up with search index to communicate at the same time trouble-free, the structure of outstanding navigation will be OK guide an user to do more businesses on the website, be like: Read, learn, seek advice, shopping all these builds the system that there is good navigation in the website, let an user can be in spellbound when enter any the position, in progressively and clear thinking when find wanted content, after building certain trustful base he can understand the product of the website.

19. Unger disembarked, hurried past the spellbound, the agape, the fearsome eyes of the twelve men of Fish, mounted into a buggy which had obviously appeared from nowhere, and drove away.

20. He also collaborated with Alfred Hitchcock on the dream sequence from his 1945 film Spellbound.

spellbound 词典解释

1. (对…)入迷的;(被…)吸引的
    If you are spellbound by something or someone, you are so fascinated that you cannot think about anything else.

    e.g. His audience had listened like children, spellbound by his words...
    e.g. He was in awe of her; she held him spellbound.

spellbound 单语例句

1. The javelin has held the Nordic nation spellbound for decades, and Finnish men have won 10 Olympic and world titles between them.

2. The wizards working for the Magic Kingdom hope to leave moviegoers spellbound with the slew of new movies they have in the works.

3. It has some of the most amazing features that leave visitors feeling spellbound.

4. The Legendary Twins'unique styles complement each other and their perfect partnership on stage is sure to hold the audience spellbound.

spellbound 英英释义



1. having your attention fixated as though by a spell

    Synonym: fascinated hypnotized hypnotised mesmerized mesmerised spell-bound transfixed
