
sonny [ˈsʌni]  [ˈsʌni] 


sonny 基本解释



sonny 网络解释

1. 裸男速递:荷里活一线男星尼古拉斯基治(NicolasCage)也曾於二○○二年执导过一部以舞男为主题的电影<<裸男速递>>(Sonny). 故事讲述在纽约从事色情事业多年的Jewel,悉心培训自己的独生儿子Sonny成为男妓. Sonny极度厌倦这种非人生活,

2. 宝贝:正在享受新婚之喜的影帝级人物尼古拉斯.凯奇,连同Intermedia公司和其他四家电影公司,被起诉在他们共同合作的新片<<宝贝>>(Sonny)中侵犯他人版权. 这部凯奇第一次参与导演一职的新片,面临着麻烦. 此事要追溯到1975年的时候.

3. 桑尼:布拉西(Luca Brasi), 桑尼(Sonny), 汤姆?黑根(Tom Hagan), 甚至维托?唐?科莱昂(Don Vito Corleone) 本人等令人难忘的角色一起进行开放式游戏. 可以说你所扮演的角色就是你自己的化身. 本作将会采用革命性的角色创造系统,

4. 索尼:突围办法:她转而饰演那些反面角色,比如在尼古拉斯.凯奇的导演处女作<<索尼>>(Sonny)中,她扮演一个新奥尔良的妓女,与帅哥男性詹姆斯.弗兰科演对手戏. 她应该听取的忠告是:去参加那些名利双收的大制作影片的演出,要放弃那些不怎么样的小制作.

sonny 词典解释

1. 小家伙(称呼小男孩或年轻男子)
    Some people address a boy or young man as sonny .

    e.g. Well, sonny, I'll give you a bit of advice.

sonny 单语例句

1. Johnny Depp will apparently fulfil a lifelong musical ambition when he appears as a rock star in upcoming road movie Sonny Boy.

2. sonny的解释

2. Governor Sonny Perdue declared a state of emergency on Monday in the 17 counties hardest hit by the flooding from severe weather.

3. Sonny Perdue voiced disappointment in the ruling and said he was weighing his options to protect the will of the people.

4. Governor Sonny Perdue wept openly at a news conference, and the entire state paused for a moment of silence on August 18.

5. sonny的意思

5. Her spokeswoman at the time said the " Sonny with a Chance " star had fought eating disorders and had struggled with cutting in the past.

6. But Brazilian forward Sonny Anderson scored for the Spaniards midway through the second half and Villarreal withstood fierce late pressure to advance.

7. Governors of both parties - 43 of them, again including conservatives such as Sonny Perdue of Georgia - have praised the program.

sonny 英英释义


1. sonny的反义词

1. a male child (a familiar term of address to a boy)

    Synonym: cub lad laddie sonny boy
