
cub [kʌb]  [kʌb] 



cub 基本解释


名词幼小的兽; 愣头青,毛头小伙子; 新手

动词(野兽)生仔; 捉幼狐(幼兽)

cub 网络解释

1. 古巴:阿尔巴尼亚(ALB) 阿尔及利亚(ALG) 阿根廷(ARG) 亚美尼亚(ARM) 澳大利亚(AUS) 奥地利(AUT) 巴巴多斯(BAR) 比利时(BEL) 百慕大(BER) 白俄罗斯(BLR) 巴西(BRA) 保加利亚(BUL) 加拿大(CAN) 智利(CHI) 中国(CHN) 哥伦比亚(COL)克罗地亚(CRO) 古巴(CUB) 塞浦路斯(CYP

2. 躺,卧:cracy统治 crat支持(或实行)...统治的人 | cub躺,卧 | cult耕,培养

3. 控制和高位字节:cu. mm 立方毫米 | CUB 控制和高位字节 | cubane 立方烷

4. cub:cubital; 扭臂的

5. cub:cuba; 古巴

6. cub:comite olimpico cubano; 古巴奥林匹克委员会

cub 词典解释
The spelling Cub is also used for meanings 2, 3, and 4. 拼写 Cub 亦用于义项 2,3,4。

1. (狮、狼、熊等的)幼兽,崽
    A cub is a young wild animal such as a lion, wolf, or bear.

    e.g. ...three five-week-old lion cubs.

2. 幼童军(8至10岁的男孩组成的一支童子军)
    The Cubs or the Cub Scouts is a version of the Scouts for boys between the ages of eight and ten.

3. 幼童军成员
    A cub or a cub scout is a boy who is a member of the Cubs.

4. 幼童军会议
    Cubs is a meeting of the Cubs.

    e.g. He was on his way to Cubs.

cub 单语例句

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

1. Buzzing with success over the first panda cub born at Zoo Atlanta, veterinarians were on birth watch Thursday for a possible twin sibling.

2. Thais have been captivated by the cub since her birth May 27.

3. The Yunnan wildlife park published the contest on the Internet, calling on citizens to share their ideas and give the cub a name.

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. National Zoo staff also noted that the cub now has upper and lower incisor and canine teeth.

5. The zoo's veterinary team will conduct the cub's first checkup when it is deemed possible to do so without disrupting maternal care.

6. cub的解释

6. A chimp cub takes a break after being fed with human milk July 23.

7. The cub was born on Tuesday morning, with Xi Xi clutching it tightly as experts monitor its progress round the clock.

8. It tells the story of lion cub Simba as he struggles to accept the responsibilities of adulthood and his future role as king.

9. The newest cub remains hidden with Bai Yun in a cozy den that can only be seen by the public via Webcam.

10. The new panda cub in the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding in Sichuan province.

cub 英英释义



1. the young of certain carnivorous mammals such as the bear or wolf or lion

    Synonym: young carnivore

2. a male child (a familiar term of address to a boy)

    Synonym: lad laddie sonny sonny boy

3. cub

3. an awkward and inexperienced youth

    Synonym: greenhorn rookie



1. give birth to cubs

    e.g. bears cub every year
