social class

social class [ˈsəuʃəl klɑ:s]  [ˈsoʃəl klæs] 

social class 基本解释


social class 网络解释

social class的近义词

1. 社会阶层:1.社会阶层概述 1)社会阶层的含义 社会阶层(Social class)是由具有相同或类似社会地位的社会成员组成的相对持久的群体. 每一个体都会在社会中占据一定的位置,有的人占据非常显赫的位置,有的人则占据一般的或较低的位置. 这种社会地位的差别,

2. 社会阶级:Marx(1867/1967)的话 ,社会阶级(social class)的产生是因为经济与资本 积的结果,而且社会阶级的 属与阶级意 (class consciousness)有关,布尔,根本没有所谓原创性(originality)的文学作品存在,因此文本缺乏特定而且明确的界

3. 社会地位:salangane 海燕 | social class 社会地位 | spurious noise 寄生噪声

4. 社会等级:supplementary class 附设班, 补习班 | social class 社会等级 | soil class 土级

social class 单语例句

1. She is frequently engaged in social activities and media exposure after class, yet still practices dancing everyday and attends rehabilitation training every weekend.

2. The traditional gentleman class used to play a vital role in safeguarding the effective functioning of state power and stabilizing social orders.

3. The freedom to switch class should mean greater social vigour and social justice guarantees, but in China there are still so many barricades in the way.


4. It was considered the golden age for the upper class in European social history.

5. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

5. But some of the ruling class were unwilling to give up the social system that preserved their high lifestyles.

6. The amendment marks a step forward from the draft proposed to lawmakers on Monday, which empowered only social groups and government agencies to file class actions.

7. social class

7. The core issue of individual income tax policy is which social class bears the heaviest tax burden.

8. Zhou stressed that people of low social class also account for a large proportion of single people.

9. He accused the sociologist of twisting social values by claiming the law was made to pander to the upper class.

10. The new social class is the product of reform and market pluralism.

social class 英英释义


1. people having the same social, economic, or educational status

    e.g. the working class
           an emerging professional class

    Synonym: class stratum socio-economic class
