
stratum [ˈstrɑ:təm]  [ˈstreɪtəm] 



stratum 基本解释

名词地层; 岩层; 社会阶层

stratum 相关例句


1. We can follow the history of life through the strata.

2. Tramps are in a low stratum of society.

stratum 网络解释

1. 地层:进食时一定非常血腥 [编辑本段][生存时期] 时代:白垩纪晚期(晚白垩世 late Maastrichtian ) [编辑本段][物种分布] 分布( Found in)→ 加拿大艾伯塔省 美国新墨西哥州 蒙大拿州 科罗拉多州 怀俄明州等 发现地层( Stratum)→ ...

2. 层:.数据层(Layer) 集成到一起的面域分布空间数据集,它用于表示一个主体中的实体,或者有一公共属性或属性值的空间对象的联合(Association.层(Stratum) 在有序系统中数据层、级别或梯度序列;

3. 发现地层:-黄昏鸟(Hesperornis) 这种巨鸟使用它的牙齿比使用其翅膀更多 情报(INFOrmation) 中文名称( Chinese)→ 黄昏鸟 时代( Period)→ 白垩纪晚期 early Campanian 分布( Found in)→ 美国 堪萨斯州 发现地层( Stratum)→ 上白垩统海相沉

stratum 词典解释

1. 社会阶层
    A stratum of society is a group of people in it who are similar in their education, income, or social status.

    e.g. It was an enormous task that affected every stratum of society...
    e.g. The rebels came overwhelmingly from the poorest strata of rural society.

2. 岩层
    Strata are different layers of rock.

    e.g. Contained within the rock strata is evidence that the region was intensely dry 15,000 years ago.
           岩层中有证据表明,该地区在 15,000 年前曾经非常干旱。

stratum 单语例句

1. They have made a specific analysis and clearly defined what they believe will compose the Chinese middle stratum.

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

2. Rock stratum of various colors places in graceful disarray, forming an imposing and magnificent sight.

3. It is especially urgent in a time when they are the most visibly downtrodden stratum of our society.

4. stratum的翻译

4. Li goes further to point out that the existence of a vast middle stratum will also facilitate the upward movement of individuals into higher strata.

5. As economists hail the economic contribution of the middle stratum, socialists are paying more attention to the political and social significance of the group.

6. It may be the only art form that remains legal and yet savoured by people across every social stratum.

7. stratum的近义词

7. But they are usually at the middle of the social stratum and never the lowest.

8. A new stratum of private business owners is emerging and gaining clout in Chinese society.

9. The biggest question before society and the SAR government is how to reach the benefits of an improved economy to the lower stratum.

10. Its oil money has created a rich social stratum and a rising middle class - or consumers.

stratum 英英释义



1. stratum的解释

1. an abstract place usually conceived as having depth

    e.g. a good actor communicates on several levels
           a simile has at least two layers of meaning
           the mind functions on many strata simultaneously

    Synonym: level layer

2. people having the same social, economic, or educational status

    e.g. the working class
           an emerging professional class

    Synonym: class social class socio-economic class

3. one of several parallel layers of material arranged one on top of another (such as a layer of tissue or cells in an organism or a layer of sedimentary rock)
