
shrunken [ˈʃrʌŋkən]  [ˈʃrʌŋkən] 






过去分词:shrunk; shrunken


过去式:shrank; shrunk

shrunken 基本解释


形容词瘪; 缩小的; shrink的过去分词

shrunken 网络解释

1. 缩小的:shrunk 收缩 | shrunken 缩小的 | shtick 滑稽场面

2. 萎缩的(shrink的过去分词):shrinkage: 收缩 | shrunken: 萎缩的(shrink的过去分词) | sinking: 下沉的

3. 皱缩的; 缩小的 (形):shrug 耸; 耸肩表示; 耸肩 (动) | shrunken 皱缩的; 缩小的 (形) | shtick 滑稽场面; 妙语; 噱头; 拿手好戏 (名)

4. 萎縮:Spool 線軸 | Shrunken 萎縮 | Sundial日晷;日規

shrunken 词典解释

1. 缩小的;皱缩的;干瘪的
    Someone or something that is shrunken has become smaller than they used to be.

    e.g. She now looked small, shrunken and pathetic...
    e.g. His shrunken thighs were barely strong enough to support the weight of his body.

shrunken 单语例句

1. Some multinational corporations'downsizing programs have already shrunken their ventures in China, including their local workers.

2. The other flaw is found in Japan's shrunken working population, which is seriously hampering the expansion of the country's domestic market.

3. Without a large amount of " special legal persons " who can undertake government projects, the scope covered by fiscal policy has shrunken.

4. The museum ascribes the crisis to a reduced appropriate budget by the British Government and due to its shrunken sales income.

5. Many mighty financial houses in the US and Europe have shrunken in size as well as stature.

6. 911查询·英语单词

6. Failure in a legal battle against a foreign rival could lead to hefty tariffs and shrunken market shares.
