shoot for

shoot for [ʃu:t fɔ:]  [ʃut fɔr] 

shoot for 基本解释


shoot for 相关例句

shoot for在线翻译


1. We're shooting this year for a 50% increase in sales.

shoot for 网络解释

1. 争取:shoot down 击落 | shoot for 争取 | shoot forth 抽芽

2. 试图达到某一目标或者取得某种结果:172. shoot down 放弃或者否定某种想法或者方案 | 173. shoot for 试图达到某一目标或者取得某种结果 | 174. shoot one's wad 竭尽全部财力

3. 争取,得到,完成:run into 偶然遇见 | shoot for 争取,得到,完成 | chances are ...是可能的

4. 争取, 得到(或完成):shoot fire 眼中冒火, 怒目相对. | shoot for 争取, 得到(或完成). | shoot forth 抽芽.

shoot for 单语例句

1. Japan has warned it would shoot down any missile headed for its territory, while Pyongyang said it would regard any interception as an act of war.

2. shoot for在线翻译

2. Despite the mercury continuing to shoot up to top 31 degrees Celsius in the city, many pavilions still saw visitors queue for more than three hours before entering.

3. Centro's Chu said it had long been his dream to shoot children's stories for Chinese kids.


4. The duo dressed in sexy leather and studded outfits for the shoot, with Gaga wearing metal chains and Beyonce sporting a tight black jumpsuit and chauffeur's hat.

5. This was the first time Moss had done a shoot for a Chinese magazine.

6. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

6. CNN's video also showed a makeshift classroom for training militants that included flight plans and instructions on how to shoot down aircraft.

7. shoot for在线翻译

7. The Geography China column group of China Central Television was invited to shoot promotional programs for the Tai Chi Cave.

8. Leon and Gaile first met years ago after the pop king invited the fashion model to shoot a promo for his website.

9. Ang Lee has been directing the shoot for the past two months, and reportedly plans to wrap up shooting by the end of January.

10. This would prepare society for the day oil prices shoot out of the roof or the existing distribution system collapses.

shoot for 英英释义


1. shoot for

1. have an ambitious plan or a lofty goal

    Synonym: draw a bead on aspire aim
