
aspire [əˈspaɪə(r)]  [əˈspaɪr] 





aspire 基本解释

不及物动词渴望,立志,追求; 〈诗,古〉登,升,高耸

aspire 相关例句


1. The boy aspired to become an engineer.

2. He aspired after knowledge.

3. As a model, Monroe always aspired to an acting career.

aspire 网络解释

1. 埃斯帕:yukon育空河 | aspire埃斯帕 | bronco烈马

2. 渴望、热望, 立志:perspiration 流汗 | aspire 渴望、热望, 立志 | reflection 倒影、沉思

aspire 词典解释

1. 向往;渴望;有志于
    If you aspire to something such as an important job, you have a strong desire to achieve it.

    e.g. ...people who aspire to public office...
    e.g. They aspired to be gentlemen, though they fell far short of the ideal.

aspire 单语例句

1. " People aspire to the material things in life, " one CBD Administrative Committee official recently said.

2. A poll showed that 43 per cent of primary school students surveyed admire cyber hackers and 33 per cent aspire to become hackers themselves.

3. aspire的近义词

3. Teenagers in areas rife with drugs often admire dealers, envy their income and aspire to emulate them.

4. aspire的解释

4. He used to be the CEO of ASPire Technologies, a joint venture between China Mobile and several foreign investors.

5. They aspire to be him, but they don't really identify with him.

6. But if only a very lucky few can aspire to a big reward, most workers are likely to conclude that it is not worth the effort to try.

7. aspire

7. The best way to learn is to be a good follower and constantly benchmark yourself against those whom you aspire to be.

8. aspire的解释

8. The twist in the survey results is the gap between what the daughters aspire to and what their mothers hope for them.

9. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

9. The fine momentum of constructive interactions thus far is the best the country could aspire for at the end of a year.

10. Natalie Portman is planning to quit acting to have children, describing motherhood as'the greatest thing I can aspire to'.

aspire 英英释义


1. aspire的解释

1. have an ambitious plan or a lofty goal

    Synonym: draw a bead on aim shoot for
