
segmentation [ˌsegmenˈteɪʃn]  [ˌsɛɡmənˈteʃən, -mɛn-] 

segmentation 基本解释

名词分割; 分段; 切分; 分节

segmentation 网络解释


1. 市场细分:竞争将市场推向了定位时代, 在营销理论中, 市场细分 (Segmentation)、目标市场(Targeting)与定位(Positivning)都是企业营销战略的要素,被称为营销战略的STP.

2. 分割:① 人脸检测(Detection)与分割(Segmentation). 从任意的场景中检测人脸的存在并进行定位,提取出一个人脸. 在自然世界中人是独特,人所表现出来的生物特征可谓独一无二. 对于每一个个体的人,总是能够找到一种或多种生物特征与其他任何人有所区别的,

segmentation 词典解释

1. 分割;分段;划分
    Segmentation is the dividing of something into parts which are loosely connected.

segmentation 单语例句

1. The feudalistic segmentation of the country has gone forever on this land of China.

2. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

2. The feudalistic segmentation of the country has gone forever from this land of China.

3. Market segmentation and supply limits to other provinces are prohibited, the notice said.

4. Market segmentation is a strategy used by enterprises to tailor their products to different consumers or different market layers in order to maximize returns.

5. The negative effects resulting from real estate developers'market segmentation strategy is another reason why the government needs to intervene in the housing market.

6. 911查询·英语单词

6. The segmentation will be more complicated and more niche, so that varied demands can be met.

7. Such segmentation could be observed in the inferior payment and welfare of the migrant workers in cities than the urban residents.

8. But the existence of mobile roaming fees is not because of the shortage of competition, but because of the segmentation within the industry.

9. segmentation的翻译

9. The segmentation threatens urbanization growth, which is a source for China's sustainable development.

10. On the basis of this segmentation, most companies will need to set up a structured program to build that business.

segmentation 英英释义


1. the act of dividing or partitioning
    separation by the creation of a boundary that divides or keeps apart

    Synonym: division partition partitioning sectionalization sectionalisation

2. (embryology) the repeated division of a fertilised ovum

    Synonym: cleavage
