
cleavage [ˈkli:vɪdʒ]  [ˈklivɪdʒ] 



cleavage 基本解释


名词分裂; 乳沟; [胚] 卵裂

cleavage 网络解释

1. 卵裂:而是软体动物还出现了横纹肌(striated muscle)与平滑肌(sm-ooth在行有性生殖的后生动物中,生殖细胞的形成也就是精子(sperm)及卵子(ovum)的形成,这一过程是在亲本的生殖腺中进行.由生殖腺上皮形成1.卵裂(cleavage)卵受精后很快即开始细胞分裂,

2. 裂解:HSP70还能通过其他方式干扰凋亡,如阻断Apaf1的形成、增强bcl2的表达等. 在脑缺血再灌注损伤模型中,过表达HSP70的转基因小鼠的细胞色素C释放减少、Apaf1分离、caspase9的裂解(cleavage)减少,从而实现对脑组织的保护作用[21].

cleavage 词典解释

1. cleavage的翻译

1. (尤指女子穿低胸服时露出的)乳沟
    A woman's cleavage is the space between her breasts, especially the top part which you see if she is wearing a dress with a low neck.

2. cleavage是什么意思

2. 裂痕;裂隙;分歧
    A cleavage between two people or things is a division or disagreement between them.

    e.g. ...the economic cleavages between the two regions.

cleavage 单语例句

1. Butt cleavage will become a thing of the past as waistlines return to a more natural place.

2. Hillary Clinton's cleavage has suddenly burst into one of the hottest topics of the Democratic presidential race.

3. The Tang women inherited this traditional style and developed it further, opening up the collar as far as exposing the cleavage between the breasts.

4. Women's mate value declines with age, but they can compensate for their decline in mate value by showing cleavage.

5. While accentuating her cleavage, it managed to hide the protruding collarbones which have worried her fans.

6. Added next is a special material called a cleavage agent, which splits the virus into smaller pieces.

7. Keira Knightley has reportedly banned studio bosses from digitally enhancing her cleavage.

8. It's not a matter of cleavage in fashion but cleavage in the voting population.

9. Colours were strong reds and blacks and stylish pastels while briefs hugged the hips and bras gave a gentle uplift and showed off subtle cleavage.

10. Cameron also spoke about how difficult it was to wear a prosthetic baby bump and enhanced cleavage in'What To Expect When You're Expecting'.

cleavage 英英释义



1. the act of cleaving or splitting

2. the line formed by a groove between two parts (especially the separation between a woman's breasts)

3. (embryology) the repeated division of a fertilised ovum

    Synonym: segmentation

4. the breaking of a chemical bond in a molecule resulting in smaller molecules

5. the state of being split or cleft

    e.g. there was a cleavage between the liberal and conservative members
