
seawater ['si:wɒtə]  [ˈsiˌwɔtɚ, -ˌwɑtɚ] 

seawater 基本解释

名词海水; 海流

seawater 网络解释

1. 海水:Arctic的冰山产地, Titanic的出事原因 )海水的化学成分与其化学过程:先谈到一个错误的观念:海水(seawater)的化学成分是陆地流进海里的[basic water]中得来的.提出辩驳这个错误观念的证据是:两种水的化学成分不同.后来说明了,

2. 海水化学耗氧量测定系统:regulation technology 大电网安全和调控技术 | seawater 海水化学耗氧量测定系统 | supply networks 电力电网中的低频骚扰抗扰度试验

3. 厂用电:Search 服务、伺服 | Seawater 厂用电 | Second 伺服电机

4. 海水生化需氧量测定仪:bimetallic thermometer,双金属温度计 | seawater,海水生化需氧量测定仪 | biochemical quantity transducer,生化量传感器

seawater 单语例句

1. seawater的意思

1. The report showed that in 2005 inorganic nitrogen and active phosphate were the main pollutants in offshore seawater.

2. They filled the boat's ballast tank with seawater to add more weight, but that did not work directly.

3. seawater的解释

3. The ship works by taking in water through 12 vents, separating the oil and pumping the cleaned seawater back into the Gulf.

4. Beijing residents who dream of swimming in real seawater without actually going to the seaside will soon see their dream come true.

5. seawater的意思

5. Sea salt is produced through solar evaporation of seawater and is one of the sources of salt common in Pakistan.

6. Steam from the seawater would be piped away and condensed and stored as fresh water.

7. They also cooled stricken reactors with seawater and controlled the risk of fire, while everyone else was sent to 20 miles away from the menacing radiation.

8. seawater的翻译

8. In a bid to stop the reactors at the nuclear plant from melting down, engineers have been injecting seawater as a coolant of last resort.

9. It is also the first Chinese nuclear power plant to use seawater desalination technology to provide cooling water.

10. seawater的反义词

10. The island is covered with verdure and many miniature landscapes shaped by seawater corrosion.

seawater 英英释义



1. water containing salts

    e.g. the water in the ocean is all saltwater

    Synonym: saltwater brine
