1. Some pickles are kept in brine.
1. 盐水:当开始结冰时,形成圆形小斑点,散布在海面,不久即具有结晶状态,但冻结部分仍为淡水,盐从中间分析出来,留存在没冻结的海水中,叫做盐水(brine). 温度继续降低时,盐水再继续结冰,但最后仍有一部分盐的结品或浓度极大的盐水存在,
2. 海水:盐度最高的是死海水(Brine),是一般海水浓度的近十倍. 其次是海水,并且南部埃拉特所在的红海海水盐度又高于西部的地中海海水. 浓度低于海水,高于淡水的咸水称为Brackishwater,类似于国内水资源界中常用的微咸水概念,
1. brine的翻译
1. (腌制食品的)盐水,卤水
Brine is salty water, especially salty water that is used for preserving food.
e.g. Soak the walnuts in brine for four or five days.
1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D
1. Many prosperous small towns developed in the vicinity of brine springs during recent centuries.
2. The circulation of the cold brine past the large ice bins then converted the water inside to ice.
3. brine的翻译
3. Though the amount of salt in the world's oceans remains mostly unchanged, the brine concentration in the topmost layer varies around the globe.
4. They collected samples of brine within the ice and assessed its chemical qualities and potential for sustaining life.
5. Salt can be made by evaporating brine in the sun along its long coast stretching for hundreds of miles from Sanya to Dongfang.
6. brine
6. Green peppercorns in brine are available in tins or bottles from good grocers and delicatessens.
7. brine的意思
7. Early in the Ming Dynasty, bitterns were made into brine block as tributes for the Royal Family.
8. brine
8. Stinky tofu is made by soaking fresh tofu in a brine of salt and fermented vegetables.
9. brine的翻译
9. The moldy tofu is then placed in jars and covered in alcoholic brine.
10. The brine will act as a light disinfectant, and it seasons the sprouts as well.