1. 滑翔机:sailorman 船员 | sailplane 滑翔机 | sainfoin 红豆草
2. 高级滑翔机:sailingboat帆船 | sailplane高级滑翔机 | saintvenantprinciple圣维南原理
3. 高性能滑翔机:sailor suit 水手服 | sailplane 高性能滑翔机 | Saint Georges 圣乔治本色亚麻布
4. 翱翔机:Sagittarius 人马座,射手座 | sailplane 翱翔机 | salted weapon 高放射性核武器
1. The RV-2, believe it or not, was a wooden flying-wing sailplane.
2. Before flying, glider and sailplane pilots may be interested to know if there is adequate lift due to upward air currents
3. Aviation sports activities, including paragliding and model sailplane soaring, are becoming more popular in hong kong in recent years
4. In a stabilised turn, the paraglider is the aircraft with the record of the smallest turning circle, as shown in figure 4 comparing paraglider, hang-glider and sailplane.
5. Therefore, the lift ratios, proportional to that square of speed as we know, are respectively 4 for a paraglider, 2.25 for a hang-glider and only 1.7 for a sailplane.
6. Ronald Gilliam, Lockheed Combined a Sailplane and Slow-Turning Propeller in an Effort to Steal the Night Back from the Viet
Cong,History of the YO-3A 洛克希德为从越共手中夺回夜战主动权而将水上飞机与慢转推进器结合的努力,YO
7. To give you a simple idea, one can say for instance that a paraglider usually turns with a radius of 2 wingspans, where a hang-glider and sailplane turn respectively with a radius of 3 and 4 wingspan The speed ratio between the left and right wingtip is from the above example; 2 for a paraglider but only 1.5 for a hang-glider and 1.3 for a sailplane.
8. Aviation sports activities, including paragliding and model sailplane soaring, are becoming more popular in Hong Kong in recent years.