
soar [sɔ:(r)]  [sɔr, sor] 






soar 基本解释


不及物动词高飞; 飞腾; 猛增,剧增; 高耸,屹立

名词高飞; 高涨; 高飞范围; 上升高度

及物动词高飞越过; 飞升到

soar 相关例句



1. His plane continued soaring at 5000 metres above sea level.

2. Great trees soar above to cut out most of the light.

3. His ambitions soared to the skies.

4. Flames were soaring into the sky.

5. The mountain soars to heaven above all rivals.

soar 网络解释

1. 飙升:2006年,中国的经常账户余额飙升(soar)到GDP的9%,目前人民币兑中国贸易伙伴国货币的均值至少低估30%;人民币兑美元,则至少低估了40%. 从2005年6月至今,人民币兑美元上升了6.5%,但是人民币对美元的相对升值还不足以中止(halt)中国在国际市场上的竞争力的累积性上升,

2. 飞涨:他们不得不在路边坐下来休息一下,喝那些由于紧缺而价格飞涨(soar)的瓶装水来解渴. 无论平时他们是如何的尊贵(dignified),如何有风度,现在不得部位自己的孩子卑躬屈膝(humble),忍受各种不便,用自己最好的微笑来打听下一步怎么做.

soar 词典解释

1. (数量、价值、水平、规模等)急升,猛涨
    If the amount, value, level, or volume of something soars, it quickly increases by a great deal.

    e.g. Insurance claims are expected to soar...
    e.g. Shares soared on the stock exchange...

2. (鸟等)高飞,翱翔,升腾
    If something such as a bird soars into the air, it goes quickly up into the air.

    e.g. If you're lucky, a splendid golden eagle may soar into view...
    e.g. Buzzards soar overhead at a great height...

3. soar的近义词

3. (树木、建筑等)高耸,屹立
    Trees or buildings that soar upwards are very tall.

    e.g. The steeple soars skyward.
    e.g. ...the soaring spires of churches like St Peter's.

4. (音乐)音量猛地增大,音调陡然升高
    If music soars, it rises greatly in volume or pitch.

    e.g. The music soared to the rafters, carrying its listeners' hearts...
    e.g. His soaring voice cuts straight to the heart.

5. (情绪)高昂,高涨
    If your spirits soar, you suddenly start to feel very happy.

    e.g. For the first time in months, my spirits soared.

soar 单语例句

1. California's energy crisis is rooted in a flawed 1996 deregulation plan that allowed wholesale power prices to soar while capping retail rates.

2. The result showed ever since Tsang announced his candidacy and began his election campaign, his popularity and support level continued to soar above Leong's.

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

3. The global recession has since cut into export earnings and caused budget deficits to soar, leaving Cuba short of cash.

4. Intermediate services would grow for banks as corporate demand for cash management, financial consulting and wealth management would soar.

5. Cathay Pacific saw its target price downgraded yesterday as fuel prices continue to soar sky high.

6. Some have fashioned makeshift shelters so they can escape the sun on their breaks, while temperatures soar to 44 degrees Celsius.

7. 911查询·英语单词

7. The recent series of accidents have drawn particular attention as market demand for coal continues to soar in China.

8. He said he expected enrollment in the program to further soar in a period to come.

9. As China's commercial exchanges with the rest of the world soar, one thing businesses have to ensure is that nothing is lost in translation.

10. A change in dietary habits has caused demand for soybeans to soar among Chinese people, who are consuming more meat and oil rather than grains.

soar 英英释义


1. the act of rising upward into the air

    Synonym: zoom


1. soar什么意思

1. go or move upward

    e.g. The stock market soared after the cease-fire was announced

2. fly a plane without an engine

    Synonym: sailplane

3. fly upwards or high in the sky

4. rise rapidly

    e.g. the dollar soared against the yen

    Synonym: soar up soar upwards surge zoom

5. soar的翻译

5. fly by means of a hang glider

    Synonym: hang glide
