
ruined [ˈru:ɪnd]  ['ru:ɪnd] 








ruined 基本解释


形容词毁灭的; 堕落的; 破产的

动词毁掉; 破坏( ruin的过去式); 使破产; 使沦落

ruined 网络解释


1. 毁灭的:ruination 毁灭 | ruined 毁灭的 | ruinous 破坏性的

2. 毁坏的:presumably 推测上,大概的,假定的 | ruined 毁坏的 | spaghetti 意大利面

3. 一片廢墟的:Rock 岩石 | Ruined 一片廢墟的 | Runaway 逃亡的

ruined 词典解释

1. ruined的翻译

1. 毁坏的;坍塌的;荒废的
    A ruined building or place has been very badly damaged or has gradually fallen down because no-one has taken care of it.

    e.g. ...a ruined church.

ruined 单语例句

1. Cadmium pollution is a threat to local residents'health, and has ruined crops and land nearby.

2. ruined

2. There was a great deal of rainfall in the fifth month of the lunar calendar, which ruined crop seedlings.

3. The production has toured more than 20 countries on three continents, in venues as diverse as a ruined plantation house in Atlanta to Windsor Castle.

4. Dinara Safina has set her sights on cementing a place in the top 10 in 2007 after this year was ruined by injury.

5. ruined的翻译

5. Former Chinese international goalkeeper Jiang Hong has admitted taking illegal drugs during his career, saying his addiction to the potent stimulant methamphetamine nearly ruined his life.

6. However Kim admitted the celebrations were nearly ruined when she cut her foot on her new spiked Christian Louboutin shoes before the party.

7. The temples on the mountain are largely ruined but the 10 Tiantai Mountain scenes and multiple cliff inscriptions remain intact.

8. He started his store when his patent leather shoes were practically ruined by a cobbler.

9. 911查询·英语单词

9. The fire also ruined many documents containing information on the collection of debts from business and philanthropic groups.

10. ruined是什么意思

10. He said the ruined roads and bad communications were preventing the distribution of aid supplies from several major cities to affected areas.

ruined 英英释义



1. brought to ruin

    e.g. after the revolution the aristocracy was finished
           the unsuccessful run for office left him ruined politically and economically

    Synonym: finished


2. destroyed physically or morally

    Synonym: destroyed

3. doomed to extinction

    Synonym: done for(p) sunk undone washed-up
