
ruin [ˈru:ɪn]  [ˈruɪn] 








ruin 基本解释


及物动词破坏,毁灭; 使破产; 使没落,使堕落; 变成废墟

名词毁灭,灭亡; 废墟,遗迹; [灭亡]的原因,祸根; 损失

不及物动词破产; 被毁灭; 堕落

ruin 同义词

动词devastate wreck mar demolish upset destroy spoil ravage


ruin 反义词


及物动词repair fix build construct restore

ruin 相关词组

1. in ruins : 成废墟, 毁坏, 毁灭;

2. bring ruin upon oneself : 自取灭亡;

ruin 相关例句


1. I was ruined by that law case.

2. The hurricane ruined all the houses here.

3. The flood ruined the crops.


1. The building is in ruins.

2. We saw the ruins of the church.

ruin 网络解释

1. 毁灭:2009年12月23日,平安夜的前一天,在美服毁灭(Ruin)战场组杜隆坦(Durotan)服务器上,一个德莱尼女法师升到了80级. 当然,小编并不是在说这个流水帐,因为这个叫做Neve

2. 遗迹:就数量而言已经足够了,获得魔法有多个途径,最简单的就是在城堡中建立了图书馆并通过不同颜色的魔法药水来进行调配而成,而另外两种就要看运气了,在神殿(temple)和遗迹(ruin)中也可以探索到魔法.

ruin 词典解释

1. ruin的意思

1. 毁坏;摧毁;严重损害
    To ruin something means to severely harm, damage, or spoil it.

    e.g. My wife was ruining her health through worry...
    e.g. Entire villages have been washed away. Roads and bridges have been destroyed and crops ruined.

2. 使破产
    To ruin someone means to cause them to no longer have any money.

    e.g. She accused him of ruining her financially with his taste for the high life.

3. 破产
    Ruin is the state of no longer having any money.

    e.g. The farmers say recent inflation has driven them to the brink of ruin.

4. 毁灭;崩溃;瓦解;没落
    Ruin is the state of being severely damaged or spoiled, or the process of reaching this state.

    e.g. The vineyards were falling into ruin...
    e.g. She wasn't going to let her plans go to ruin.

5. 911查询·英语单词

5. 残余部分;残存部分
    The ruins of something are the parts of it that remain after it has been severely damaged or weakened.

    e.g. The new Turkish republic he helped to build emerged from the ruins of a great empire...
    e.g. He stood very still, staring in at the ruins of his work.


6. 废墟;遗迹;断壁残垣
    The ruins of a building are the parts of it that remain after the rest has fallen down or been destroyed.

    e.g. One dead child was found in the ruins almost two hours after the explosion...
    e.g. There's only the mountain in this direction, and higher up an old ruin, an abandoned castle.

7. see also: ruined

8. 完全崩溃;垮掉;破败不堪
    If something is in ruins, it is completely spoiled.

    e.g. Its heavily-subsidized economy is in ruins...
    e.g. This country was once proud of its education system. Now it seems to be in ruins.

9. 一片废墟;满目疮痍
    If a building or place is in ruins, most of it has been destroyed and only parts of it remain.

    e.g. The abbey was in ruins...
    e.g. Within Germany, the city of Berlin lay in ruins.

ruin 单语例句

1. No matter how smart a person, addiction to drugs will ruin his or her career.

2. But from the professional view of veteran scriptwriter Liu Hua, the copycat phenomenon could " ruin the whole market ".

3. ruin

3. There's nothing worse than lumpy custard to ruin a good pudding.

4. ruin

4. As the artist is obsessed with architecture in decay and destruction, his subjects include buildings in a state of ruin or demolition.

5. ruin什么意思

5. A bad barrel can ruin a wine as certain as any other defect that may occur.

6. We've seen many candidates ruin their job prospects by making derogatory remarks about their current or previous employers and experiences.

7. The tourists from Hong Kong shared the dismay of local folk over the ruin in the city's central shopping district.

8. Depp recently vowed to save Hollywood actor Nicolas Cage from financial ruin after because of a massive unpaid tax bill.

9. Kelly Osbourne spent " six hours " creating a handmade card - only for her dog to ruin it.

10. Many outside China would view these military moves as fresh indication of what might lead the US further down the road to ruin.

ruin 英英释义



1. destruction achieved by causing something to be wrecked or ruined

    Synonym: laying waste ruining ruination wrecking

2. a ruined building

    e.g. they explored several Roman ruins

3. ruin的解释

3. failure that results in a loss of position or reputation

    Synonym: downfall ruination

4. ruin的解释

4. an event that results in destruction

    Synonym: ruination

5. the process of becoming dilapidated

    Synonym: dilapidation

6. an irrecoverable state of devastation and destruction

    e.g. you have brought ruin on this entire family

    Synonym: ruination



1. fall into ruin

2. ruin是什么意思

2. deprive of virginity

    e.g. This dirty old man deflowered several young girls in the village

    Synonym: deflower

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

3. destroy completely
    damage irreparably

    e.g. You have ruined my car by pouring sugar in the tank!
           The tears ruined her make-up

    Synonym: destroy

4. ruin的意思

4. reduce to ruins

    e.g. The country lay ruined after the war

5. reduce to bankruptcy

    e.g. My daughter's fancy wedding is going to break me!
           The slump in the financial markets smashed him

    Synonym: bankrupt break smash


6. destroy or cause to fail

    e.g. This behavior will ruin your chances of winning the election
