
restlessness ['restləsnəs]  [ˈrɛstlɪsnɪs] 

restlessness 基本解释
restlessness 网络解释

1. 坐立不安:焦慮不安(agitation)...坐立不安(restlessness)...困惑、慌亂(confusion)只要这个状态达不到,人就会出现不安(restlessness)或无聊(无人可聊,也不想做任何事,...

2. 不安:香港人主体性的失落,构成了近年来香港电影的衰退,以及在民间社会迅速蔓延的一种骚动不安 (restlessness)的心理背景. 香港原有主体性的失落已属无可避免,它新的主体性如何建立起来、并可以有什麽含义和内容,才是最值得我们关心的问题.

3. 掉擧:Uddhacca kukkucca:指掉举(restlessness)和悔恨. 修习念处禅的第二个利益是可以克服忧伤苦恼. 你不会担心失败,或为亲人的死亡感到难过,或者担心你的事业的亏损;如果你修习念处禅,你什麼也不会担心,虽然你没有获得道(magga)与果(phala) .

4. 不安定航向不稳性:restitution 恢复 | restlessness 不安定航向不稳性 | restorability 复原能力

restlessness 单语例句

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. In later years they remain largely unaffected by the turbulence of the age, but nonetheless pained by the confusion and restlessness that plagues the lives of their children.

2. restlessness的意思

2. But these ostensibly restrained and constructive gestures could not mask Tokyo's true intent and restlessness.

3. They suffer from feelings of restlessness and irritability when attempting to cut down or stop Internet use.

4. For example, Zhang Yong's jellyfish expresses the restlessness of life.

5. Humans have a natural restlessness that has driven them across continents for millennia.

6. The powerhouse turned into a rust belt, with massive layoffs and simmering restlessness.

7. Each will have to cope with the affected partner's mood swings, restlessness and weakness.

restlessness 英英释义



1. inability to rest or relax or be still

    Synonym: uneasiness queasiness

2. the quality of being ceaselessly moving or active

    e.g. the restlessness of the wind

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

3. a feeling of agitation expressed in continual motion

    e.g. he's got the fidgets
           waiting gave him a feeling of restlessness

    Synonym: fidget fidgetiness

4. a lack of patience
    irritation with anything that causes delay

    Synonym: impatience
