
impatience [ɪm'peɪʃns]  [ɪmˈpeʃəns] 

impatience 基本解释

名词不耐烦; 焦躁; 渴望; 切望

impatience 反义词


impatience 网络解释

1. 不耐烦:好胜心极强,渴望竞争取胜,A型性格是促进社会发展的中坚力量,但其缺点是好发脾气,易冲动,面对激烈的竞争,A型性格者(请注意与血型无关)易反应为恼火(Aggravation)、激动(Irritaiton)、愤怒(Anger)与不耐烦(Impatience),即著名的AIAI反应,

2. 没耐心:你们次元中的极性必须被内化, 你将在那里找到心智里的耐心(patience), 你必须有意识地发现相对应的没耐心(impatience), 反之亦然. 每一个思想都有一个相反的对照(antithesis), 关于心智的锻炼, 首先, 辨别出哪些事情是你赞同的,

3. 急躁, 不耐烦:- indignation 愤慨 | - impatience 急躁, 不耐烦 | - pessimism悲观的

impatience 单语例句

1. Obama's aides did not try to hide US impatience about Afghanistan's halting efforts to battle corruption and cronyism in government.

2. impatience是什么意思

2. Bitter experience tells me it's only a matter of time before impatience gets the better of someone and they cut in at the counter.

3. They failed to get out of the first round in 2006 and'07, increasing Bryant's feelings of frustration and impatience.

4. They failed to get out of the first round in 2006 or'07, increasing Bryant's feelings of frustration and impatience.

5. impatience的意思

5. Impatience is likely to describe your actual frame of mind, but in order to achieve your goals you should cultivate tranquility.

6. Bush is expressing impatience with his allies'hesitancy over an intervention in Iraq amid increasing speculation about an imminent attack.

7. Impatience can't help as it is decided by the basic background of the area.

8. As more American soldiers lose their lives to shadowy militants half a world away, impatience on the home front is growing.

9. Twenty percent among that group spoke of feelings of anxiety or impatience when their desire to look at pornography was thwarted.

10. He said Iraq had become " entangled " in domestic politics in America, where there is growing impatience for progress in reconciling the country's warring sects.

impatience 英英释义



1. a dislike of anything that causes delay

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2. a restless desire for change and excitement

3. impatience的反义词

3. a lack of patience
    irritation with anything that causes delay

    Synonym: restlessness
