
reputation [ˌrepjuˈteɪʃn]  [ˌrɛpjəˈteʃən] 


reputation 基本解释


名词名气,名声; 好名声; 信誉,声望; 荣誉,名望

reputation 相关词组


1. make an evil reputation for oneself : 弄得声名狼藉;

2. of no reputation : 默默无闻的;

3. live up to one's reputation : 不负盛名;

reputation 情景对话



B:You know, packing has a close bearing on sales.

A:Yes, it also affects the reputation of our products. Buyers always pay great attention to packing.

B:We wish the new packing will give our clients satisfaction.

reputation 网络解释


1. 名誉:而在 8 月 11 日透过网站广为流传.我在 8 月 13 日接到了 由顾雏军指使的香港齐伯礼律师行的信件, 指出我在复旦大学的演讲经 东方早报,香港商报的文章对顾雏军造成了毁谤.而且香港商报的评论 攻击了顾雏军个人的品格(integrity), 名誉(reputation), 和性格(cha

reputation 词典解释

1. reputation的翻译

1. 名声;名望;声誉
    To have a reputation for something means to be known or remembered for it.

    e.g. Alice Munro has a reputation for being a very depressing writer.
    e.g. ...Barcelona's reputation as a design-conscious, artistic city.

2. 好名誉;名望
    Something's or someone's reputation is the opinion that people have about how good they are. If they have a good reputation, people think they are good.

    e.g. This college has a good academic reputation...
    e.g. The stories ruined his reputation.

3. 听说;耳闻
    If you know someone by reputation, you have never met them but you have heard of their reputation.

    e.g. She was by reputation a good organiser.

reputation 单语例句

1. The investigation was ordered by police for " damaging business reputation ", though Qiu was later exonerated due to pressure from GAPP.

2. Alibaba said the " depressed " share price is also having an " adverse impact " on business, its reputation with customers and employee morale.

3. Chinese business tycoons are earning a greater reputation and more say around the globe.

4. reputation

4. This business expansion is backed by the outstanding reputation Lufthansa has enjoyed over its more than 80 years of development in China.

5. If someone does a hatchet job on a solo pianist, his or her personal reputation and business interests are both damaged.

6. The Hunan government is building up its reputation by holding a series of business conferences and attracting investment from all over the country and overseas.

7. But its reputation as an important transportation and business hub in the US is less familiar.

8. reputation的反义词

8. The School has an international reputation for excellence and is consistently ranked among the top business schools in the world.

9. Most visitors attracted to Chengde by its reputation may expect to escape the hustle and bustle of the big cities.

10. Jiang helped build his reputation by showing he was able to tame Li Na, a former firebrand who quickly butted heads with each new coach.

reputation 英英释义


1. the general estimation that the public has for a person

    e.g. he acquired a reputation as an actor before he started writing
           he was a person of bad report

    Synonym: report


2. the state of being held in high esteem and honor

    Synonym: repute


3. notoriety for some particular characteristic

    e.g. his reputation for promiscuity
