of no reputation

of no reputation[ɔv nəu ˌrepjuˈteiʃən] 

of no reputation 基本解释


of no reputation 单语例句

1. Past reputation is no longer a defense against the insatiable demands of today's markets.

2. Yet imitators and unlicensed producers have been muddying the market, watering down the quality and reputation of what is ranked the country's No 1 tea.

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3. No one doubts that the qualitative reputation of Chinese wines will improve under Rolland's guidance.

4. of no reputation

4. Judge Lam said he has no doubt that given Tony Chan's reputation and experience, he clearly was a feng shui master of some repute.

5. Powder skiing freaks already will attest to its good reputation, no wonder considering that the area gets up to 18 m of snowfall per year.

6. His slogan " no big belly after three boxes of tea " soon became as famous as his own reputation.

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7. " Some of them pay no attention to fostering the reputation of the brand name, " Li said.
