
refreshing [rɪˈfreʃɪŋ]  [rɪˈfrɛʃɪŋ] 


比较级:more refreshing

最高级:most refreshing

refreshing 基本解释


形容词提神的; 使人精神焕发的; 使人耳目一新的


refreshing 相关例句



1. I had a refreshing drink.

refreshing 网络解释


1. 更新:同步静态记忆体( SSRAM )的工作周期短,又不需要更新( refreshing ),但是其造价昂贵,且容量低,因此,同步静态记忆体更适合存放路由表,而并不适用于组成交换矩阵.

2. 刷新:foxpro 刷新(Refreshing) 离线视图资料提示:第五节 刷新(Refreshing) 离线视图 虽然createoffline() 的帮助主题似乎说明,如果以online模式打开视图时,可以刷新离线视图, 但这并非事实.

3. 提神的, 凉爽的, 使人喜欢的:boxcar lengthener 脉冲扩展电路 | refreshing 提神的, 凉爽的, 使人喜欢的 | ram head 滑枕刀架 侧刀架

refreshing 词典解释

1. 使人耳目一新的;新鲜的
    You say that something is refreshing when it is pleasantly different from what you are used to.

    e.g. It's refreshing to hear somebody speaking common sense...
    e.g. It made a refreshing change to see a good old-fashioned movie.

He was refreshingly honest.

2. (沐浴或饮料)使人精神焕发的,提神的,清凉的
    A refreshing bath or drink makes you feel energetic or cool again after you have been tired or hot.

    e.g. Herbs have been used for centuries to make refreshing drinks.

refreshing 单语例句

1. Their candid or unadulterated works are a refreshing change from heavily edited mainstream media offerings.

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

2. Stuffing for the rice dumplings range from classic red beans to healthy red dates, cereal and refreshing meat.

3. refreshing

3. And the narrative style is a refreshing change for many of us fed up with the usual documentary fare.

4. After living in Canada where life is full of fierce competition, life in China was a refreshing change that brought me back to my roots.

5. The refreshing Lemon Chiffon Pie is supremely light and has a zesty lemon flavour.

6. It features a cast of champion dancers and musicians, with refreshing choreography and impressive vocal performances.

7. Drinks are reasonably priced with Qingdao at 15 yuan and a refreshing bottle of French cider at 20 yuan.

8. Dressed in a sweet Vietnamese sauce and ground peanut, the rolls were refreshing and a real palate cleanser.

9. It has a 72% cocoa content and the perfect amount of mint that just makes it refreshing instead of overbearing.

10. Coffee Spring features finely prepared, pure coffee from the distinctive Robusta coffee bean to give the spring a refreshing effect.

refreshing 英英释义


1. imparting vitality and energy

    e.g. the bracing mountain air

    Synonym: bracing brisk fresh refreshful tonic

2. pleasantly new or different

    e.g. common sense of a most refreshing sort

    Synonym: novel
