
brisk [brɪsk]  [brɪsk] 



brisk 基本解释

形容词轻快的; 快的; 爽快而清新的; 兴隆的

不及物动词活跃起来; 变得轻快

及物动词使…活泼; 使…轻快

brisk 相关例句



1. She spoke in a brisk tone of voice.

2. He is a brisk walker.

3. Sales are amazingly brisk.


1. He brisked up his pace.


1. The market brisked up.

2. I believe that the market will brisk up.

brisk 网络解释

1. 轻快活泼的:120. bleak 阴冷的 | 121. brisk 轻快活泼的 | 122. caustic 尖酸刻薄的

2. 活泼的; 清新的:brewery 啤酒厂 | brisk 活泼的; 清新的 | brood 一窝;一伙(人)

3. 活泼的:brittle#易碎的 | brisk#活泼的 | brutal#野蛮的

4. 敏锐的:brisk up 活泼起来 | brisk 敏锐的 | brisket 胸部

brisk 词典解释

1. 轻快的;生气勃勃的
    A brisk activity or action is done quickly and in an energetic way.

    e.g. Taking a brisk walk can often induce a feeling of well-being...
    e.g. The horse broke into a brisk trot.

Eve walked briskly down the corridor to her son's room.
With determined briskness, Amy stood up and put their cups back on the tray.

2. (生意)兴隆的,红火的
    If trade or business is brisk, things are being sold very quickly and a lot of money is being made.

    e.g. Vendors were doing a brisk trade in souvenirs...
    e.g. Its sales had been brisk since July.

A trader said gold sold briskly on the local market.

3. (天气)寒冷而清新的
    If the weather is brisk, it is cold and fresh.

    e.g. ...a typically brisk winter's day on the South Coast...
    e.g. The breeze was cool, brisk and invigorating.

4. 爽快干脆的;精干利落的;麻利的
    Someone who is brisk behaves in a busy, confident way which shows that they want to get things done quickly.

    e.g. The Chief summoned me downstairs. He was brisk and businesslike...
    e.g. She is noted for her brisk handling of business.

'Anyhow,' she added briskly, 'it's none of my business.'
He felt her familiar briskness, and he knew that it was all over.
brisk 单语例句

1. A " cultural revolution " theme restaurant has done brisk business since it opened in Guangzhou several months ago.

2. The manager of a bar on Huangshi road in Guangzhou's Yuexiu district said business remained brisk on weekends.

3. Customs'statistics for the first half year also show a brisk business in furniture.

4. brisk

4. Languidly tropical by day, the Venezuelan capital's climate turns brisk after sundown.

5. Analysts generally believe that Volkswagen is likely to reach the goal ahead of schedule based on its brisk sales and active expansion in capacity.

6. China has enjoyed brisk fiscal revenue growth over the years, thanks to its booming enterprises and the growing affluence of its residents.

7. As China will continue to add roads at a brisk pace, more attention should be paid to the maintenance of existing roads and transport facilities.

8. An incense seller at the Fading temple said her business has been brisk since the monks arrived.

9. " Fickle weather and the current brisk traffic have compounded the difficulties of safe flight, " said the circular.

10. Their economies will grow at a relatively brisk pace for a time.

brisk 英英释义



1. become brisk

    e.g. business brisked up

    Synonym: brisk up brisken


1. very active

    e.g. doing a brisk business

2. quick and energetic

    e.g. a brisk walk in the park
           a lively gait
           a merry chase
           traveling at a rattling rate
           a snappy pace
           a spanking breeze

    Synonym: alert lively merry rattling snappy spanking zippy

3. imparting vitality and energy

    e.g. the bracing mountain air

    Synonym: bracing fresh refreshing refreshful tonic
