
raccoon [rəˈku:n]  [ræˈkun] 

第三人称复数:raccoons; raccoon

raccoon 基本解释


名词浣熊; 浣熊毛皮

raccoon 网络解释


1. 浣熊:(7) 浣熊 (Raccoon) 常客. 每天晚上都会来访且专攻垃圾. 最喜欢从通风口进入你家的阁楼并在里面安营扎寨. 一旦被它们得手,后果将会很严重. 它们(6) 臭鼬(Skunk) 常客. 但不能惊吓到它,不小心吓到了它的话它会喷射出一种奇臭无比的气体且经久不散.

2. 貉子:我公司产品主要分为以下几大类: 一、辅料类:包括狐狸(FOX)、水貂(MINK)、貉子(RACCOON)毛领和帽条、衣边帽边及装饰花边等. 二、服饰类:包括围巾、披肩及各种饰品,款式新颖,质量保证. 三、服装类:包括以水貂、獭兔服装等为主导产品的各种高中档编织毛皮服装.

3. 浣熊皮:求购浣熊皮( RACCOON) 要求:1.原色 2.经过加工除虫,干燥等工序. 3.整张皮自鼻头到尾巴不得短于90CM 4.月订单量:2000-10000张 5.价位可...

4. 络子毛:机械压花 machine printed | 络子毛 raccoon | 兔毛 rabbit fur

raccoon 词典解释

1. raccoon的翻译

1. 浣熊(见于中北美洲及西印度群岛)
    A raccoon is a small animal that has dark-coloured fur with white stripes on its face and on its long tail. Raccoons live in forests in North and Central America and the West Indies.

raccoon 单语例句

1. Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban have nicknamed their daughter " the raccoon ".

2. One exhibit that will be on display soon is of a raccoon dog leaping forward.

3. The farm also raises other animals such as sika, red deer and raccoon dogs.

4. raccoon什么意思

4. Willis was the voice of RJ the raccoon in the animated film.

raccoon 英英释义


1. an omnivorous nocturnal mammal native to North America and Central America

    Synonym: racoon

2. the fur of the North American racoon
