pull down

pull down [pul daun]  [pʊl daʊn] 

pull down 基本解释

拆毁; 毁坏; 使虚弱; 拖垮

pull down 相关例句


1. Will you pull down the blinds a bit?

2. They have managed to pull down the old building.

pull down 网络解释

1. 下拉:普通电阻一般作为上拉(pull up)或者下拉(pull down)电阻,一般在芯片的OC(OPEN DRAIN)输出处使用pull up电阻. 或者用于那些驱动能力不足的地方增加驱动电流. 钽电容最大的缺点就是其危险性. 其过载(Overload)时,会发生燃烧(法○功. .

2. 拆毁:Pull away 把......开走;(使)离开 | Pull down 拆毁 | Pull in (车)停下;(车)进站;(船)到岸

3. 拆毁,拉倒;拉下,降低:prevent from预防,防止 | pull down拆毁,拉倒;拉下,降低 | pull in (车)停下,进站,船(到岸)

pull down 词典解释

1. 拆毁;摧毁;拆掉
    To pull down a building or statue means to deliberately destroy it.

    e.g. They'd pulled the registry office down which then left an open space...
    e.g. A small crowd attempted to pull down a statue.

pull down 单语例句

1. Morag protesters used thick ropes to pull down large cement blocks that had been erected by the army to protect the settlers from Palestinian fire.

2. TV footage showed wounded people sitting amid the debris as people grabbed at the wreckage, trying to pull out survivors before carrying them down narrow alleys to hospital.

3. It shows the market is yet to pull out of the down cycle.

4. Hundreds of Russians demonstrated in Moscow yesterday against Estonia's decision to pull down a monument to Soviet soldiers killed in World War II.

5. " Never again should we face the deadlock that threatened to pull down those talks, " British Prime Minister Gordon Brown said Monday.

6. As the weather warms up, pull your posse away from all the same places and cool down dockside.

7. The car went so fast that Hou had no time to pull down the protective handrail.

8. " In retrospect he made the right decision to pull his name down, " Bush said.

9. pull down

9. " A correction in the Shanghai bourse could dent local sentiment and pull down share prices, " he said.

10. A person's estate must pull down a minimum of $ 5 million annually.

pull down 英英释义


1. cause to come or go down

    e.g. The policeman downed the heavily armed suspect
           The mugger knocked down the old lady after she refused to hand over her wallet

    Synonym: down knock down cut down push down

2. tear down so as to make flat with the ground

    e.g. The building was levelled

    Synonym: level raze rase dismantle tear down take down
