
dismantle [dɪsˈmæntl]  [dɪsˈmæntl] 







dismantle 基本解释

及物动词拆卸; 拆开; 废除; 取消

dismantle 网络解释

1. 拆卸:而是切分成碎片,是线型的. 权力的运作靠毗邻性,每一个碎片都是权力,既是一项权力,也是欲望的一副肖像. 每一碎片皆为机器或机器的部件. 所以欲望是一部被拆卸(dismantle)为传动装置的机器,传动装置本身又成为机器,从而运转不已.

2. 解体:其中一例为,由於到当地设厂的多国企业(multinational),是从他们自己的供应商(supplier)进口零件(parts),造成国内产业(domestic industry)解体(dismantle).

3. 取消:框架过去存在(was),向自身集合(assemble)并自我取消(dismantle),仅此而已. 看样子,在那些增补的共同-结果(con-sequence)中,框架既使自己成形又使自己变形,其间甚至不会自我显现. 这种活动以其复数的存在(plupresent)提醒我,

dismantle 词典解释

1. 拆卸;拆开;拆除
    If you dismantle a machine or structure, you carefully separate it into its different parts.

    e.g. He asked for immediate help from the United States to dismantle the warheads.

2. (逐渐)废除,撤销,破坏
    To dismantle an organization or system means to cause it to stop functioning by gradually reducing its power or purpose.

    e.g. ...opposition to the president's policy of dismantling apartheid...
    e.g. Public services of all kinds are being dismantled.

dismantle 单语例句

1. danci.911cha.com

1. In such cases, the government has the right to dismantle " nail houses " by force.

2. dismantle的近义词

2. Yushchenko's allies sought to persuade thousands of activists to dismantle a tent camp sent up in central Kiev last month to back their candidate.

3. Like ants, workers dismantle the huge ships and carry them off piece by piece.

4. If he fails to do so within the time limit, the competent department shall dismantle them forcibly at the construction unit's expense.

5. dismantle是什么意思

5. If the construction of engineering structures seriously affects the flood control work, the violator shall be ordered to dismantle them within a time limit.

6. The two sides have boosted military exchanges and have been cooperating in efforts to persuade North Korea to dismantle its nuclear program.

7. The talks will now focus on having the country declare and dismantle remaining nuclear programs and how to permanently disable its reactor at Yongbyon.

8. China's high degree of openness is also reflected by its renewed efforts to dismantle investment barriers in once protected service industries like the banking sector.

9. Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas told the German news magazine Der Spiegel that Israel must dismantle all settlements and halt construction of the barrier.

10. dismantle的意思

10. In it, they said the North should dismantle its nuclear weapons and programs.

dismantle 英英释义



1. take off or remove

    e.g. strip a wall of its wallpaper

    Synonym: strip

2. take apart into its constituent pieces

    Synonym: disassemble take apart break up break apart

3. tear down so as to make flat with the ground

    e.g. The building was levelled

    Synonym: level raze rase tear down take down pull down
