
project [ˈprɒdʒekt]  [ˈprɑ:dʒekt]







project 基本解释


及物动词计划; 放映; 发射; 展现,使突出


名词项目,工程; 计划,规划; (学生的)课题

project 相关词组

1. project oneself : 突出自己;

2. advanced project : 先进(研究)计划, 尖端(研究)计划, 高级计划, 已经提出的计划, 远景计划;

project 情景对话


A:The project was so (difficult/ time-consuming/ tedious).

B:You shouldn’t work so hard.


B:Can you sell yourself in two minutes? Go for it.

A:With my qualifications and experience, I feel I am hardworking, responsible and diligent in any project I undertake. Your organization could benefit from my analytical and interpersonal skills.
      依我的资格和经验,我觉 得我对所从事的每一个项目都很努力、负责、勤勉。我的分析能力和与人相处的技巧,对贵单位必有价值。

project 网络解释

1. 项目实践:|敬请核实|企业网络高级技术(ATEN) Windows网络服务(WNS) Linux网络服务(LNS) 组建与维护企业邮件系统(EMSBM) 数据库管理(SSA) 网络安全解决方案(NSS) 网络管理(NM) 职业导向训练(COT) 项目实践(Project)|敬请核实|企业网络高

2. project:projectid; 项目,与

project 词典解释
The noun is pronounced /'prɒdʒekt/. The verb is pronounced /prə'dʒekt/ and is hyphenated pro|ject. 名词读作 /'prɒdʒekt/。动词读作 /prə'dʒekt/,分音节形式为pro|ject。

1. project的反义词

1. 项目;工程;计划;规划
    A project is a task that requires a lot of time and effort.

    e.g. Money will also go into local development projects in Vietnam...
    e.g. international science project...

2. (学生的)课题,研究项目
    A project is a detailed study of a subject by a pupil or student.

    e.g. Students complete projects for a personal tutor, working at home at their own pace.

3. 规划;计划;预计
    If something is projected, it is planned or expected.

    e.g. Africa's mid-1993 population is projected to more than double by 2025...
    e.g. The government had been projecting a 5% consumer price increase for the entire year.

4. (使)呈现;(使)表现;(使)展现
    If you project someone or something in a particular way, you try to make people see them in that way. If you project a particular feeling or quality, you show it in your behaviour.

    e.g. Bradley projects a natural warmth and sincerity...
    e.g. He just hasn't been able to project himself as the strong leader...

5. 把(情感、想法)投射转移(到他人身上)
    If you project feelings or ideas on to other people, you imagine that they have the same ideas or feelings as you.

    e.g. He projects his own thoughts and ideas onto her.

6. 投射;放映
    If you project a film or picture onto a screen or wall, you make it appear there.

    e.g. The team tried projecting the maps with two different projectors onto the same screen.

7. 伸出;凸出
    If something projects, it sticks out above or beyond a surface or edge.

    e.g. ...the remains of a war-time defence which projected out from the shore.
    e.g. ...a piece of projecting metal.

8. see also: housing project

project 单语例句

1. The firm also said it expects its product divisions to developed at least one new sustainable and profitable business project by year's end.

2. But somehow, work on the project hasn't started till now.

3. But CNSA declined to confirm or reveal the project's progress yesterday.

4. project是什么意思

4. The survey's findings buttress concerns expressed by numerous scholars among them Barbara Dafoe Whitehead of Rutgers University's National Marriage Project.

5. It would be wrong to believe that people behind the project could be ignorant enough to have come up with the title by accident.


6. The project started its development by the Sukhoi design bureau since it won the tender in April 2002.

7. project的近义词

7. Tianjin Culture Center is by far the largest public cultural venue project in Tianjin.

8. Germany is by far the biggest contributor to the project, financing 41 percent of the total cost.

9. But sometimes the views of the majority can be shaped by such fears and they can then mistake a good project for a bad one.

10. By last night, more than 500 protested against the project on a Chengdu forum.

project 英英释义




1. any piece of work that is undertaken or attempted

    e.g. he prepared for great undertakings

    Synonym: undertaking task labor

2. a planned undertaking

    Synonym: projection


1. present for consideration, examination, criticism, etc.

    e.g. He proposed a new plan for dealing with terrorism
           She proposed a new theory of relativity

    Synonym: propose

2. regard as objective

    Synonym: externalize externalise

3. communicate vividly

    e.g. He projected his feelings

4. transfer (ideas or principles) from one domain into another

5. throw, send, or cast forward

    e.g. project a missile

    Synonym: send off

6. put or send forth

    e.g. She threw the flashlight beam into the corner
           The setting sun threw long shadows
           cast a spell
           cast a warm light

    Synonym: cast contrive throw

7. imagine
    conceive of
    see in one's mind

    e.g. I can't see him on horseback!
           I can see what will happen
           I can see a risk in this strategy

    Synonym: visualize visualise envision fancy see figure picture image

8. make or work out a plan for

    e.g. They contrived to murder their boss
           design a new sales strategy
           plan an attack

    Synonym: plan contrive design

9. draw a projection of

10. project on a screen

    e.g. The images are projected onto the screen

11. project是什么意思

11. cause to be heard

      e.g. His voice projects well

12. extend out or project in space

      e.g. His sharp nose jutted out
             A single rock sticks out from the cliff

      Synonym: stick out protrude jut out jut
