
presumed [prɪz'ju:md]  [prɪz'ju:md] 





presumed 基本解释


动词推定; 以为,假定( presume的过去式和过去分词 ); 妄行; 冒昧地做某事

presumed 网络解释


1. 假定的 推测的:navigate vi.航行, 航海, 航空vt.航行于, 驾驶, 操纵, 使通过 | presumed 假定的 推测的 | comb 彻底搜寻某物

2. 被认为:1. well-known 出名的 | 2. presumed 被认为 | 3. pastime 消遣,娱乐

presumed 单语例句

1. In fact, there have been all kinds of criticism and speculation about the aircraft carrier's presumed role.

2. Jia was diagnosed with a cerebral hemorrhage, which doctors presumed might have been caused by overwork.

3. presumed

3. China also has enshrined the right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty in its revised Criminal Procedure Law.

4. Residents pulled 48 bodies out of the rubble, while dozens more were presumed dead.

5. 911查询·英语单词

5. He said 19 albinos had been murdered since March 2007, and another two were missing presumed dead in the east African country.

6. The US media have also painted an exaggerated and detrimental picture of China's presumed role in the problem.

7. presumed

7. Villagers presumed the bull had stayed alive for so long by eating straw and dew.

8. Residents complained of random detentions and homes being ransacked as the hunt drew in more troops and brought taunting messages from the presumed captors.

9. The collision left the captain of the trawler dead and another fisherman missing and presumed dead.

10. Then a helicopter flew to the presumed location, released an orange smock signal and landed rescuers to check the situation of the " astronauts ".
