
presume [prɪˈzju:m]  [prɪˈzu:m] 






presume 基本解释

及物动词推测; 以为,认为; 假定,假设; 意味着

不及物动词敢于; 相信; 擅自行动; 放肆

presume 同义词


动词imagine guess assume infer fancy surmise imply think suppose

presume 反义词


presume 相关例句


1. I presume you will approve of the plan.

2. I won't presume to advise you on the subject.

3. I won't presume to trouble you.

4. If a person is missing for 7 years, he is presumed dead.


1. It would be presuming to camp in a person's yard without permission.

presume 网络解释

1. 推测:resume 推测(Presume)要恢复(resume)承担(assume)假定(assume)的消费(consume). reverse 宇宙(universe)反转(reverse), 就象多种多样的(diverse)诗词(verse*)有害(adverse*)考*试*大祝你好运.

2. 假定,推测:preside 主持,管理 | presume 假定,推测 | presumptuous 自大,傲慢的

presume 词典解释


1. (不肯定地)认为,相信,推测
    If you presume that something is the case, you think that it is the case, although you are not certain.

    e.g. I presume you're here on business...
    e.g. Dido's told you the whole sad story, I presume?...

2. 冒昧;擅自主张;妄行
    If you say that someone presumes to do something, you mean that they do it even though they have no right to do it.

    e.g. They're resentful that outsiders presume to meddle in their affairs...
    e.g. I wouldn't presume to question your judgment.

3. presume的翻译

3. 假设;假定
    If an idea, theory, or plan presumes certain facts, it regards them as true so that they can be used as a basis for further ideas and theories.

    e.g. The legal definition of 'know' often presumes mental control...
    e.g. The arrangement presumes that both lenders and borrowers are rational.

presume 单语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. " I presume they put him on there because he was a consequential leader, " Bush said.


2. They presume that the name plays a large part in controlling the life span of the young one.

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. But it would be wrong to presume that the battle has already been won.

4. I presume that everybody agrees that the government should help people to secure affordable housing that offers a minimum acceptable quality.

5. presume的近义词

5. " I would not presume to project or predict what the union would do, " the NBA commissioner said.

6. I presume the main reason also lies in the lack of free and easily accessible physical training instruments.

7. No one should presume that loss of life is unavoidable in the pursuit of economic growth.

8. presume的意思

8. Complaints about inconvenience and additional cost have caused some to presume the ban will be aborted or at least not enforced.

9. They are interesting because they weren't designed by a phone company so didn't presume to provide traditional baggage such as a keyboard.

presume 英英释义


1. presume的翻译

1. take liberties or act with too much confidence

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

2. take to be the case or to be true
    accept without verification or proof

    e.g. I assume his train was late

    Synonym: assume take for granted

3. presume

3. constitute reasonable evidence for

    e.g. A restaurant bill presumes the consumption of food


4. take upon oneself
    act presumptuously, without permission

    e.g. How dare you call my lawyer?

    Synonym: make bold dare
