
poker [ˈpəʊkə(r)]  [ˈpoʊkə(r)] 


poker 基本解释

名词扑克; 纸牌; 拨火铁棒; 戳火的人

及物动词烙制; 用烙画做(图案)

poker 相关例句


1. The poker must not have been used, for it looked brand new.

2. He is playing poker with his friends.

poker 网络解释

1. 扑克牌:(国际象棋)王;(西洋跳棋)王棋;(纸牌)K vi. 1. 做国王 2. 统治 vt. 1. 立...为王 adj, 1.主要的;极大的 king:涂鸦术语中,表示最牛的涂鸦画家 n. 1.扑克牌(poker)中的K即King. 2.人名:King 3.金 实是上上之选啊~

2. 火钳:她顺手触摸了一下地毯 却无意间发觉地毯下面有一道密门 可惜密门卡的太紧了 无法用双手将门打开 离开储藏室 并往厨房外走去 厨房外是餐室(Dining Room) 爱德琳留意餐室的壁炉旁边 并拾起壁炉旁的火钳(Poker) 有了火钳 爱德琳

3. 拨火棍:对开关使用,接通电源.再查看电视机后面坚着的感应板,发现有块板下面可以打开.取出指甲锉(nailfile),拧开螺丝,再用拔下的电线接入,将三块东西报废.来到炉子旁边,取得拨火棍(poker).来到窗户旁,发现木板可以被破坏,

poker 词典解释

1. 扑克牌游戏
    Poker is a card game that people usually play in order to win money.

    e.g. Lon and I play in the same weekly poker game.

2. 拨火棒;通条
    A poker is a metal bar which you use to move coal or wood in a fire in order to make it burn better.

    e.g. Mrs Malone took up the poker and stirred at the little fire burning beside her.

poker 单语例句

1. poker的翻译

1. He holds regular poker games with his friends and has even taken a date back to the camper.

2. Play time for the boy is after midnight when he runs between tables and learns to read cards at his grandfather's chess and poker club.

3. A local citizen saw Wang playing poker with two other township government staff at a local teahouse on June 11 during working hours.

4. But it's only a matter of time before the machines take a commanding lead in the war for poker supremacy.

5. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

5. It is now common to see an HIV carrier playing poker in a crowded teahouse.

6. The short film has attracted criticism for its religious overtones, which include the'Poker Face'singer swallowing rosary beads whilst dressed as a nun.

7. 911查询·英语单词

7. The money is expected to be used to build a manufacturing base with a designed annual production capacity of 600 million sets of poker.

8. They will also play dice and some Chinese poker games to add to the fun, he added.

9. " Poker Face " is too edgy for voters, and " Pretty Wings " too urban.

10. Eleven of those picked up at the venue were formally detained, including the alleged owner of the poker room surnamed Zhang.

poker 英英释义




1. any of various card games in which players bet that they hold the highest-ranking hand

    Synonym: poker game

2. poker

2. fire iron consisting of a metal rod with a handle
    used to stir a fire

    Synonym: stove poker fire hook salamander
