
over [ˈəʊvə(r)]  [ˈoʊvə(r)] 


over 基本解释

介词(表示方向)越过; (部份或全部覆盖)在…上面; 由于; (表示论及)关于

副词结束; 再; (倒)下; 从一边至另一边

形容词过去的; 外面的; 在上的; 上级的

名词额外; 剩余; 剩余(或多余)的量; 剩余物


及物动词走过,跳过; [美国方言]从…恢复过来

over 同义词

形容词concluded terminated finished ended

介词on beyond above on top of across

over 反义词



over 相关词组

1. over and above : 在...之上, 高于..., 重于..., 在...之外(还), 另外还..., 在...同时还, 此外;

2. over all : 遍及;

3. over against : 在...对面;

over 相关例句


1. From two blocks over he could hear the thin wail.

2. The good old times are over.


1. Are you staying over Christmas?

2. It costs over ten dollars.

over 情景对话



A:Where can I catch a taxi?

B:The taxi zone is right on the left corner over there.


A:Is that the office manager over there?

B:Yes, it is,

A:I haven‘t met him yet.

B:I‘ll introduce him to you .


A:The tour should last about an hour and a half .

B:I‘m really looking forward to this.

A:We can start over here.

B:I‘ll just follow you.

over 词典解释


In addition to the uses shown below, over is used after some verbs, nouns, and adjectives in order to introduce extra information. Over is also used in phrasal verbs such as ‘hand over’ and ‘glaze over’.
除下列用法外,over 用于某些动词、名词和形容词之后,引出附加信息。over还可用于hand over 和 glaze over 等短语动词中。

1. danci.911cha.com

1. 在…的上方;在…的上面;在…的上空
    If one thing is over another thing or is moving over it, the first thing is directly above the second, either resting on it, or with a space between them.

    e.g. He looked at himself in the mirror over the table.
    e.g. ...a bridge over the river Danube.

2. 搭挂在…的上面
    If one thing is over another thing, it is supported by it and its ends are hanging down on each side of it.

    e.g. A grey mackintosh was folded over her arm...
    e.g. Joe's clothing was flung over the back of a chair.

3. (部分或完全地)覆盖在…的上面
    If one thing is over another thing, it covers part or all of it.

    e.g. His hair fell over his brow instead of being brushed straight back...
    e.g. Mix the ingredients and pour over the mushrooms...

4. (身体上部)俯在…的上面
    If you lean over an object, you bend your body so that the top part of it is above the object.

    e.g. They stopped to lean over a gate...
    e.g. Everyone in the room was bent over her desk.

5. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

5. 从…上面(看过去);隔着…(交谈)
    If you look over or talk over an object, you look or talk across the top of it.

    e.g. I went and stood beside him, looking over his shoulder.
    e.g. ...conversing over the fence with your friend...

6. (从…)可以看见;俯瞰
    If a window has a view over an area of land or water, you can see the land or water through the window.

    e.g. ...a light and airy bar with a wonderful view over the River Amstel...
    e.g. His rooms looked out over a narrow lane behind the college.

7. over的翻译

7. (穿)过,(跨)过,(越)过(障碍、边界等)
    If someone or something goes over a barrier, obstacle, or boundary, they get to the other side of it by going across it, or across the top of it.

    e.g. Policemen jumped over the wall of the Spanish Embassy in pursuit...
    e.g. I stepped over a broken piece of wood...

8. 从一边至…的另一边
    If someone or something moves over an area or surface, they move across it, from one side to the other.

    e.g. She ran swiftly over the lawn to the gate...
    e.g. Joe passed his hand over his face and looked puzzled.

9. 在…的另一边;在…的对面
    If something is on the opposite side of a road or river, you can say that it is over the road or river.

    e.g. ...Richard Garrick, who lived in the house over the road.
    e.g. ...a fashionable neighbourhood, just over the river from Manhattan.

10. 去,到(某处)
    If you go over to a place, you go to that place.

    e.g. I got out the car and drove over to Dervaig...
    e.g. I thought you might have invited her over.

11. 在那边;在近旁
      You can use over to indicate a particular position or place a short distance away from someone or something.

      e.g. He noticed Rolfe standing silently over by the window...
      e.g. John reached over and took Joanna's hand...

12. 911查询·英语单词

12. (突然或猛力地)(倒)下,(掉)下
      You use over to say that someone or something falls towards or onto the ground, often suddenly or violently.

      e.g. If he drinks more than two glasses of wine he falls over...
      e.g. He was knocked over by a bus and broke his leg...

13. over的意思

13. (翻)转过来
      If something rolls over or is turned over, its position changes so that the part that was facing upwards is now facing downwards.

      e.g. His car rolled over after a tyre was punctured...
      e.g. The alarm did go off but all I did was yawn, turn over and go back to sleep.

14. 到处;遍及
      All over a place means in every part of it.

      e.g. ...doctors who work all over the country.
      e.g. ...the letters she received from people all over the world.

15. 在这边;到这边;在身处国
      Over here means near you, or in the country you are in.

      e.g. Why don't you come over here tomorrow evening...
      e.g. My father was in the U.S. army over here.

16. 在那边;到那边;在另一国
      Over there means in a place a short distance away from you, or in another country.

      e.g. The cafe is just across the road over there...
      e.g. She'd married some American and settled down over there.

17. the world over -> see world



1. 超过;在…以上
    If something is over a particular amount, measurement, or age, it is more than that amount, measurement, or age.

    e.g. Cigarettes kill over a hundred thousand Britons every year...
    e.g. I met George well over a year ago.

2. over

2. 多于(正常数量);除了…之外(还)
    Over and above an amount, especially a normal amount, means more than that amount or in addition to it.

    e.g. Expenditure on education has gone up by seven point eight per cent over and above inflation...
    e.g. Consider supplements over and above this healthy diet.

3. over

3. 剩余;剩下
    If you say that you have some food or money over, you mean that it remains after you have used all that you need.

    e.g. Larsons pay me well enough, but there's not much over for luxuries when there's two of you to live on it...
    e.g. Primrose was given an apple, left over from our picnic lunch.

4. 再一次;又一次;重复地
    If you do something over, you do it again or start doing it again from the beginning.

    e.g. She said if she had the chance to do it over, she would have hired a press secretary...
    e.g. Dave, the pianist, played it over a couple of times.

5. (强调发生不止一次)两次/三次
    If you say that something happened twice over ,three times over and so on, you are stating the number of times that it happened and emphasizing that it happened more than once.

    e.g. He had to have everything spelled out twice over for him.

6. over的翻译

6. 再一次;重新
    If you do something over again, you do it again or start doing it again from the beginning.

    e.g. When you realise they are singing the same songs over again, the novelty wears off...
    e.g. If I was living my life over again I wouldn't have attended so many committee meetings.

7. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

7. (指令人疲倦、厌烦、不快地)再一次,又一次,重新
    If you say that something is happening all over again, you are emphasizing that it is happening again, and you are suggesting that it is tiring, boring, or unpleasant.

    e.g. He doesn't want the hassle all over again...
    e.g. The whole process started all over again...

8. 一再;再三;反复
    If you say that something happened over and over or over and over again, you are emphasizing that it happened many times.

    e.g. He plays the same songs over and over...
    e.g. 'I don't understand it,' he said, over and over again.



1. 结束的;完了的
    If an activity is over or all over, it is completely finished.

    e.g. Warplanes that have landed there will be kept until the war is over...
    e.g. The bad times were over...

2. over的近义词

2. 从(某一疾病或经历)中恢复过来
    If you are over an illness or an experience, it has finished and you have recovered from its effects.

    e.g. I'm glad that you're over the flu...
    e.g. She was still getting over the shock of what she had been told.

3. (控制或影响)对…起作用
    If you have control or influence over someone or something, you are able to control them or influence them.

    e.g. He's never had any influence over her...
    e.g. For two decades she has sought complete control over her film career...

4. 关于;由于
    You use over to indicate what a disagreement or feeling relates to or is caused by.

    e.g. The women were making a fuss over nothing.
    e.g. ...concern over recent events in Burma...

5. over

5. 在…期间
    If something happens over a particular period of time or over something such as a meal, it happens during that time or during the meal.

    e.g. The number of attacks on the capital had gone down over the past week...
    e.g. Many strikes over the last few years have not ended successfully...

6. over的意思

6. 通过(电话、广播等)
    You use over to indicate that you give or receive information using a telephone, radio, or other piece of electrical equipment.

    e.g. I'm not prepared to discuss this over the telephone...
    e.g. The head of state addressed the nation over the radio...

7. (广播或电视节目中的主持人用语)下面交给…
    The presenter of a radio or television programme says 'over to someone' to indicate the person who will speak next.

    e.g. With the rest of the sports news, over to Colin Maitland.

8. (无线电通讯用语)完毕,请回答
    When people such as the police or the army are using a radio to communicate, they say 'Over' to indicate that they have finished speaking and are waiting for a reply.

9. (板球运动中)一轮6个(未让对方得分的)有效投球
    In cricket, an over consists of six correctly bowled balls.

    e.g. At the start of the last over, bowled by Chris Lewis, the Welsh county were favourites.

over 单语例句

1. It said Major has done an outstanding job managing the China business over the past five years.

2. Another two recruitment drives will be held over the weekend at Renmin University and the University of International Business and Economics.

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

3. " To get the business licence in the end took over a month, " said the restaurant owner.

4. He also urged local railway bureaux to hand their passenger transport business over to independent railway companies by the end of the year.

5. One man said he was riding a bicycle across a bridge over the Metro tracks when the sound of the collision got his attention.

6. over

6. Business ethics is a business culture that should be nurtured over the long term among CEOs.

7. Sri Lanka is currently under the spotlight over the UN Secretary General's special panel report which called for a war crimes investigation into Sri Lanka.

8. In fact, business is booming thanks to a revival of traditional culture over the past two decades.

9. Raffles Beijing Hotel General Manager Riaz Mahmood has witnessed the ups and downs of Beijing's hotel business over the past year.

10. danci.911cha.com

10. The following story examines the fears of business insiders and analysts over the current problems affecting the operation of the domestic market.

over 英英释义



1. (cricket) the division of play during which six balls are bowled at the batsman by one player from the other team from the same end of the pitch


1. over什么意思

1. over the entire area

    e.g. the wallpaper was covered all over with flowers
           she ached all over
           everything was dusted over with a fine layer of soot

    Synonym: all over

2. danci.911cha.com

2. throughout a period of time

    e.g. stay over the weekend

    Synonym: o'er

3. at or to a point across intervening space etc.

    e.g. come over and see us some time
           over there

4. throughout an area

    e.g. he is known the world over

5. beyond the top or upper surface or edge
    forward from an upright position

    e.g. a roof that hangs over
