
across [əˈkrɒs]  [əˈkrɔ:s] 

across 基本解释


介词穿过; 横穿,横过; 与…交叉; 在…对面

副词横过,越过; 在对面; 交叉; 斜对面

across 同义词


副词crosswise crossways

across 反义词


介词along through

across 情景对话



A:Is this the Central Park to East Market bus?

B:This is the East Market to Central Park bus. Where do you want to go?

A:To the Municipal Government Hall.

B:Take the same number bus going in the other direction. There’s a stop right across the street.

A:Thank you.


A:Excuse me. I wonder if you could help me. I’m looking for the Museum.

B:Boy, you are lost. It’s across town.

A:Oh ! What bad luck ! How can I get to the Museum?

B:You can take a No. 24 bus here and then transfer to a No.53 bus to get there.


A:Good morning, sir. May I help you?

B:Yes. I have a room booked with you, for three days starting today. Name of Lu, L-U.

A:Thank you, Mr. Lu. Please wait a moment while I check our reservations list.That's Mr. Steven Lu, from Taipei?
      谢谢,陆先生。请稍等,我查一下订房名单。您是Steven Lu,从台北来的?

B:Yes, it is.

A:Mr. Lu, everything is OK. Your booking is from today through Wendnsday. Single room. Your room number is 512. Here's your key.

B:Thanks. Could you point me in the right direction?

A:Certainly, sir. The elevators are right across the lobby.Floors one to eight are the elevators to the left.
      当然可以,先生。电梯就在大厅的正对面。 一到八楼上下使用的电梯在左边。

B:Hi. I'd like to cash an American Express traveler's check.

A:Sure. Would you please sign your name on the back, sir, with your passport number? And I'll need to see your passport.

B:Sure. Can you give me fifty dollars in small bills, please, and ten dollars in change?

A:No problems. Here's your passport, and here's your money. Have a nice day, Mr. Lu.

across 网络解释

1. 穿过:前缀trans的第二种意思是穿过(across)或到另一边去(to the other side of),相应地,超个人心理学就是研究经过个人到达超个人的历程,超个人心理学不是不研究个人或自我(self),而是将个人或自我扩展到更广阔的精神背景中.

2. 跨过:Ana是指跨过(across)而eurys是指宽广的(broad). 这一定义包括静脉和心脏的动脉瘤. 颅内动脉瘤通常按照病因学和形态学进行分类. 其中大部分是原发性和囊性的,通常发生在Willis环动脉上的分叉部位,并且仅由外膜和内膜组成的薄壁.

3. 横向:所谓预算(Budget)指的是在未来某一特定§ 与横向(Across)沟通的角色. 整体预算(Master Budget)又称总体预算, 亦可称为利润计画(Profit格系由市场机能决定与否区分为天然利润中心(Natural Profit Center)与

across 词典解释
In addition to the uses shown below, across is used in phrasal verbs such as ‘come across’, ‘get across’, and ‘put across’.
除下列用法外,across还可用于come across, get across和put across等短语动词中。

1. 从一边到另一边
    If someone or something goes across a place or a boundary, they go from one side of it to the other.

    e.g. She walked across the floor and lay down on the bed...
    e.g. He watched Karl run across the street to Tommy.

2. 横跨;横过;穿过
    If something is situated or stretched across something else, it is situated or stretched from one side of it to the other.

    e.g. ...the floating bridge across Lake Washington in Seattle...
    e.g. He scrawled his name across the bill...

3. (放置或覆盖)在…上
    If something is lying across an object or place, it is resting on it and partly covering it.

    e.g. She found her clothes lying across the chair...
    e.g. The wind pushed his hair across his face.

4. across在线翻译

4. 在…对过;在…对面
    Something that is across something such as a street, river, or area is on the other side of it.

    e.g. Anyone from the houses across the road could see him...
    e.g. When I saw you across the room I knew I'd met you before.

5. across的翻译

5. 朝;向
    If you look across at a place, person, or thing, you look towards them.

    e.g. He glanced across at his sleeping wife...
    e.g. She rose from the chair and gazed across at him.

6. (表情展露)在(脸)上
    You use across to say that a particular expression is shown on someone's face.

    e.g. An enormous grin spread across his face...
    e.g. For a moment a shadow seemed to pass across Roy's face.

7. (打)在(脸、头等部位)上
    If someone hits you across the face or head, they hit you on that part.

    e.g. Graham hit him across the face with the gun.

8. 911查询·英语单词

8. 在…各处;遍及
    When something happens across a place or organization, it happens equally everywhere within it.

    e.g. The film 'Hook' opens across America on December 11...
    e.g. Thousands of farmers from across Europe have held a huge demonstration in the centre of Brussels...

9. 超越,跨越(政治、宗教、社会隔阂等)
    When something happens across a political, religious, or social barrier, it involves people in different groups.

    e.g. ...parties competing across the political spectrum...
    e.g. We want to promote cosmetics that appeal across the colour barrier.

10. (测量时)宽…
    Across is used in measurements to show the width of something.

    e.g. This hand-decorated plate measures 30cm across...
    e.g. The snails are no larger than one centimetre across.

across 单语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. Oil refiners and airlines rose across the board as world crude prices dropped more than US $ 2 overnight to nearly US $ 118.

2. The country's domestic funds also fell across the board in the first three quarters.

3. A recent rally in the Chinese stock market has fueled passions across the board, from individual investors to large institutions.

4. All major Asian stock markets in the region tumbled across the board, succumbing to heightened fears of a broader global financial crisis.

5. across

5. Compared with a group who had played a nonviolent video game, those who had played " Mortal Kombat " were more aggressive across the board.

6. across的解释

6. If we agree that consumers are rational spenders, we cannot see any reason for them to reject Chinese goods across the board.

7. Our goal is to integrate our business across the 20 some breweries and implement global best practices to increase the efficiency of the operations.

8. Steep drops were across the board as all 42 components of the benchmark Hang Seng Index were under selling pressure.

9. Japan has been making efforts across the board to improve its ability to defend itself, having depended on the United States for protection since World War II.

10. across的解释

10. Yet China still pins a great deal of its hope to economic growth to further its development across the board.

across 英英释义



1. transversely

    e.g. the marble slabs were cut across

    Synonym: crosswise crossways

2. across是什么意思

2. to the opposite side

    e.g. the football field was 300 feet across
