net profit

net profit[net ˈprɑfɪt] 

net profit 基本解释

名词净利,纯利; 纯益; 实利

net profit 网络解释

1. 净利润:净利润(Net Profit) 净利润(收益)是指在利润总额中按规定交纳了所得税以后公司的 利润留存,一般也称为税后利润或净收入. 净利润的计算公式为: 净利润=利润 ...

2. 净利:2009年该公司净销售额(net sales)与净利(net profit)分别为2.17亿美元及3,830万美元,较上(2008)年分别下滑14%及50%. 2009年该公司债务达1,050万美元.

3. 利润:首先我们可以去看这个公司三个年度的报表,如果你不会看,没有太深的理论基础,那就看其中几个比较关键的科目: A 净利润(net profit): 这个是公司在损益表中倒数几项中的一项,如果这个数值跟前几年相比较,增长的很快,可以给人一种感觉,

net profit 单语例句

1. But it enjoyed a business recovering to report a net profit of 981 million yuan in the first quarter.

2. Fang made the remarks during a conference call after the company reported a 66 percent rise in its net profit for the first quarter.

3. Net profit is expected to climb this year amid a rebound in China's capital markets, one of the few bright spots globally.

4. The ratio of cash dividend to net profit of companies listed on the mainland has remained much lower than those in mature markets.

5. Cathay almost tripled its annual net profit in 2010 to HK $ 14 billion on the back of strong China cargo and passenger travel growth.

6. net profit的翻译

6. The latter two have been in the red for two years, while Tongli Cement Co Ltd realized a net profit of 113 million yuan in 2009.

7. Everbright Securities attributed the slide of its net profit to the decline of commission fees and investment loss.

8. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

8. Country Garden has reported 300 percent compound annual net profit growth rate over the last three years.

9. net profit什么意思

9. In the same period a year ago, the industrial conglomerate had net profit of 294 million euros.

10. net profit什么意思

10. Tcl corp earned 280 million yuan for the first six months of the year, equivalent to 66 percent of its annual net profit last year.

net profit 英英释义

net profit什么意思


1. net profit

1. the excess of revenues over outlays in a given period of time (including depreciation and other non-cash expenses)

    Synonym: net income net lucre profit profits earnings
