net income

net income [net ˈinkəm]  [nɛt ˈɪnˌkʌm] 

net income 基本解释

纯收入; 纯收益,净收入,收益净额

net income 网络解释

1. 净收入:虽然Saifun的上市文件透露它在2002-2004年连续亏损,但亦显示该公司在2005年上半年实现总体销售收入4,490万美元,净收入(net income)高达2,510万美元. 该公司的净利润超过了销售收入的50%,这方面的表现已经优于ARM Holdings.

2. 净收益:年报显示,AIG2007年净收益(Net Income)为62亿美元,或每股收益2.39美元,而在2006年AIG净收益为140.5亿美元,或每股收益5.36美元. 2008年2月11日,AIG向美国证监会(SEC)提交的文件中做出预亏修正,将次按担保损失由此前公布的11亿美元,

3. 净利润:简单地说,净利润(Net Income)或净损失(Net Loss)等于收入扣除各项费用. 利润表是衡量企业经营绩效最重要的依据. 普遍而言,一般公认会计准则的制定过程,除了参考会计的学理,也受到政府法令规范及产业界压力. 举例来说,

4. 纯收入:净资产(Net worth)与纯收入(Net income)净资产(Net worth)的定义,什么是净资产净资产(Net worth)就是资产负债表中的所有者权益. 它是属企业所有,并可以自由支配的资产. 它由两大部分组成,一部分是企业开办当初投入的资本,包括溢价部分,

net income 单语例句

1. net income的翻译

1. The net revenue was divided by the actor's total compensation to derive gross income.

2. Urban residents'per capita disposable income and rural residents'per capita net income will grow by an annual rate of 5 percent.

3. net income在线翻译

3. The most recent forecast of the annual per capita growth in the net income of farmers placed it at 7 or 8 percent last year.

4. BOC's net fee and commission income rocketed 72 percent from the same period last year.

5. He was crowned the new king of hedge funds that year as the Medallion Fund realized an 80 percent net income ratio.

6. The deficit reflected a wider trade shortfall in goods and services, a decrease in net income receipts and an increase in net transfer payments.

7. In addition to an inadequate social welfare net that has long depressed consumption, the widening income gap has emerged as an increasingly big consumption restraint.

8. The EVA refers to the residual income of enterprises after taking the cost of capital out of their net operating profit after tax.


9. BEIJING - China's five biggest banks have reported record net profits for 2011 due to higher net income margins and fee incomes.

10. Under the current situation, net income of agricultural production in some rural regions is higher than in urban areas.

net income 英英释义



1. 911查询·英语单词

1. the excess of revenues over outlays in a given period of time (including depreciation and other non-cash expenses)

    Synonym: net net profit lucre profit profits earnings
