
negate [nɪˈgeɪt]  [nɪˈɡet] 







negate 基本解释

及物动词取消,使无效; 否定,否认; 使作废

不及物动词否定,否认; 无效


negate 相关例句


1. Our actions often negate our principles.

negate 网络解释

1. 否认:mitigate减轻,缓和 | negate 否认 | familial 家庭的

2. 取反:区域增长 region-growing ROI | 取反 negate | 全部删除 delete all

3. 否定;非:near-letter-quality printing 接近优质字符打印 | negate 否定;非 | negation 否定;非

negate 词典解释

1. 取消;使无效
    If one thing negates another, it causes that other thing to lose the effect or value that it had.

    e.g. These weaknesses negated his otherwise progressive attitude towards the staff.

2. 否认…之存在;否定
    If someone negates something, they say that it does not exist.

    e.g. He warned that to negate the results of elections would only make things worse.

negate 单语例句

1. If anyone wants to use an individual case study to negate all the reforms, then it is irresponsible.

2. But some of my columnist colleagues'arguments are not that easy to negate.

3. The new housing policy of the Ministry of Construction does not negate the market mechanism, says a signed article in Oriental Morning Post.

4. To negate the contributions of such a great historical figure would mean to deny all our achievements during an important period of the country's history.

5. What is hoped is that the new regime will not indiscriminately negate or discard its predecessor's effective policies.

6. The Dalai Lama tries to negate the extant political system practiced in Tibet.

7. Some individuals do have complaints but that does not negate the improvement China has made in its human rights conditions.

8. He said it is wrong and harmful to negate the scientific nature of Marxism and deny the achievements of the forerunners of socialism.

9. But critics said Howard's new stance is nothing more than a ploy to negate the environment as an issue at elections due late this year.


10. Some observers argue that the US - a key target - could do more to project a positive image and negate terrorist propaganda.

negate 英英释义



1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

1. make ineffective by counterbalancing the effect of

    e.g. Her optimism neutralizes his gloom
           This action will negate the effect of my efforts

    Synonym: neutralize neutralise nullify

2. prove negative
    show to be false

    Synonym: contradict

3. deny the truth of

    Synonym: contradict contravene

4. be in contradiction with

    Synonym: contradict belie
