
belie [bɪˈlaɪ]  [bɪˈlaɪ] 






belie 基本解释

及物动词歪曲真相,掩饰; 证明…为虚假; 辜负,使…失望; 与…不符

belie 相关例句


1. War belied hopes for peace.

2. His trembling belied his words.

3. His appearance belies him.

4. Her cruelty belied her kind words.

5. His smile belies his anger.

belie 网络解释


1. 掩饰:beguile#欺骗;逍遣 | belie#掩饰 | bereave#剥夺

2. 歪曲,辜负,违背:Morose 愁眉苦脸的 | Belie 歪曲,辜负,违背 | Misgiving 疑惑,不安

3. 歪曲真相,伪装:Variegated 杂色的,斑驳的 | Belie 歪曲真相,伪装 | Devious 偏僻的,迂回的

4. 给人以...假象, 使被误解:auspicious 有前途的, 有希望的, 吉祥的, 吉兆的 | belie 给人以...假象, 使被误解 | bellicose 好战的; 好争吵的; 好斗的

belie 词典解释

1. 掩饰;遮掩
    If one thing belies another, it hides the true situation and so creates a false idea or image of someone or something.

    e.g. Her looks belie her 50 years.

2. 证明…是虚假的;显示…不真实
    If one thing belies another, it proves that the other thing is not true or genuine.

    e.g. The facts of the situation belie his testimony.

belie 单语例句

1. belie的解释

1. Such actions belie Japan's claim that it is administering the islands in a " peaceful and stable " manner.

2. Today's peaceful sights of the Western Qing Tombs belie the periods of drama and intrigue that absorbed them before.

3. His rough hands and the deep furrows lining his face belie his youth, and attest to the toughness of such labor.

4. But the statistics belie perceptions of New Zealand as a sports mad nation.

5. The tourists chatting in multiple languages in the piazzas, bars and shops of Rome belie a more somber mood at the ancient city's hotels.

6. belie的翻译

6. Some of the more modest moves in major global indexes Tuesday belie the huge drops many saw Monday.

7. Their uniquely Shanghainese blend of European and Chinese styles belie unsteady foundations and a lack of indoor plumbing.

8. The above statistics and the US economy's makeup belie another of the US'criticisms against China.


9. But two possible factors may belie this assurance of maintaining the status quo.


10. But all the toys and perks belie the frenetic pace here, and many employees acknowledge that life at Google can be hard on fragile egos.

belie 英英释义



1. belie在线翻译

1. represent falsely

    e.g. This statement misrepresents my intentions

    Synonym: misrepresent

2. be in contradiction with

    Synonym: contradict negate
