
navy [ˈneɪvi]  [ˈnevi] 



navy 基本解释


名词海军; 船队

navy 同义词


名词naval forces

navy 反义词


名词army airforce

navy 相关例句


1. He is an officer in the Navy.

2. My son is in the navy.

navy 网络解释


1. 海军蓝:市场调研报告等信息,为您购买提供专业支持,您所查询的韩国 ANDEW 立体剪裁男士双扣西服 海军蓝(navy)是男士西装行业的知名产品, 为您精心挑选了此款韩国 ANDEW 立体剪裁男士双扣西服 海军蓝(navy)的相关销售商家信息,

2. 海军:1860年,恩格斯给<<美国新百科全书>>写军事方面的词条,其中就有<<军队>>(Army)、<<炮兵>>(Artillery)、<<骑兵>>(Cavalry)、<<步兵>>(Infantry)和<<海军>>(Navy),见<<马克思恩格斯全集>>中文版第14卷(北京:人民出版社,1964年),

3. 藏青:2、促进血液循环:籍lp护具所维持的治疗热,促进使用 ...型号:c-4134运动毛巾尺寸:120cmx40cm成份:100%棉(cotton)颜色:b藏青(navy)d红(red)特性:先进的编制工艺,包边缝制防止脱线开边,不脱色,柔软舒适,厚度高达3mm吸汗性能极强.

4. 海军蓝色:尺码: 均码 颜色: 浅灰色(light grey), 海军蓝色(navy) 款式: 短款 领子: 翻领 花色: 纯色 风格: 淑女 着装方案: 标准 适合季节:春|秋|冬 袖子: 长袖

navy 词典解释

1. 海军
    A country's navy consists of the people it employs to fight at sea, and the ships they use.

    e.g. The government announced an order for three Type 23 frigates for the Royal Navy yesterday...
    e.g. Her own son was also in the Navy.

2. 海军蓝;深蓝色;藏青色
    Something that is navy or navy-blue is very dark blue.

    e.g. I mostly wore black or navy trousers.
    e.g. ...a navy-blue blazer.

navy 单语例句

1. " Exercising with an Indian warship is a valuable opportunity for the Navy, " said Te Mana commanding officer Commander John Butcher.

2. The USS George Washington is the fourth mammoth vessel sent by the US navy to the Philippines this year.

3. navy的意思

3. The first to pass Tiananmen Square were the navy formed by personnel chosen from the northeast navy college and East China navy fleet.

4. Earnshaw was serving as a Merchant Navy cabin boy when he died.

5. This is the eighth port call by US Navy ships to Qingdao.

6. navy

6. The port call by a PLA Navy ship represents an important chapter in military exchanges between the two countries.

7. navy的近义词

7. Chile's defense minister has said the navy made a mistake by not immediately activating a tsunami warning.

8. It is the Navy's oldest ship in active service and the only US aircraft carrier permanently deployed abroad.

9. Both servicemen wore camouflage fatigues with a Royal Navy label on their chests and a little British flag stitched to their left sleeves.

10. 911查询·英语单词

10. He said 500 navy personnel will remain on active duty in the Middle East and patrolling Australian waters.

navy 英英释义


1. navy的近义词

1. a dark shade of blue

    Synonym: dark blue navy blue


2. an organization of military vessels belonging to a country and available for sea warfare

    Synonym: naval forces
