navy blue

navy blue [ˈneivi blu:]  [ˈnevi blu] 

navy blue 基本解释


navy blue 网络解释

1. 海军蓝:首先,为了增强舱线的效果喷涂郡氏硝基漆No.14海军蓝(Navy Blue)遮盖机鼻后用郡氏No.340田绿色(Field Green)硝基漆喷涂. 遮盖曲面实际上十分困难. 我先用比较窄的胶带遮盖,然后用比较宽的遮盖剩下的部分. 我使用比较廉价的胶带遮盖比较远的部分.

2. 海蓝:基本配色--可靠 海蓝(navy blue)是最为大众所接受的颜色之一. 采用这种颜色的色彩组合可解释成可靠、值得信赖的色彩. 这类组合也带有不可置疑的权威感. 警官、海军军官或法官都穿着深色、稳定的海古典的色彩组合带有势力与权威的意味,

3. 深蓝色:以及透视的角度,使它看起来完全是水平的;给它填充为土黄色(Sand)、棕色(Dark Brown)轮廓线;接着将它复制,将复制对象向下移动一步(按下方向键),然后将复制对象放置在原图形的后面并填充为深蓝色(Navy Blue),这样就有了厚度的感觉;

4. 深蓝:Hazleton 也是短款 插肩 双排扣 颜色 深蓝(navy blue) 浅乳白色 卡其色 尺码 6号 8号 10号 这款因为是插肩 所以肩部是比1更窄些的 但这个款式有收腰 适合瘦小的人穿 具体尺寸看下面衣服介绍处涂抹式霜15ml 产于英国威尔士南部海

navy blue 单语例句

1. The imposing structure has been decked out in crimson and navy blue to give the building a strong traditional Chinese flavour.

2. Motorcycle police officers escorted the navy blue hearse that displayed a cluster of little orange wildflowers on top.

3. They are required to dress in a uniform consisting of a khaki shirts and navy blue trousers that unfortunately often dim their vitality.

4. Venture into blue and white stripes next, then perhaps pink for a looks slightly edgier look when combined with grey and navy.

5. navy blue

5. What's more magical was its color - clear green up close that gradually darkened to navy blue on the horizon.

6. Matched with a sailor's striped shirt and navy blue pants they create a stylish look that is full of nostalgia.

7. Women in navy blue tunics - typical Miao dress - sit under red parasols and weigh out pieces of dog.

8. navy blue的近义词

8. Gisele showed off her trim figure in a navy blue bikini top and lace shirt earlier this month at a store opening in Brazil.


9. The color of these accessories should be dark and match with black, such as navy blue or bottle green.

10. navy blue的近义词

10. Her white hair elegantly coifed and wearing a smart navy blue suit, she raised a glass of sparkling wine in a toast to her long life.

navy blue 英英释义

navy blue


1. a dark shade of blue

    Synonym: dark blue navy
