1. 侏儒症:nana n 乙酰神经氨酸 | nanism 侏儒症 | nanophanerophyte 矮高位芽植物
2. 矮小:nailing 插钉术 | nanism 矮小 | nanomelia 细肢
3. 矮生性:注记版 names plate | 矮生性 nanism | 灌木 nanophanerophyte
4. 矮態:namatium 溪河群落 | nanism 矮態 | nannofossil 超微化石
1. Because of enlarging the street, nanism house beside the road are demolished at all.
2. Among the popularization of 11 varie - ties of Cotoneaster growing in Shanghai area, 6 varieties of Cotoneaster are the nanism foliolar strain with extreme ornamental value.
1. Nanism causes children to grow at less than five centimeters a year, about 10 percent below average.