
dwarfism [ˈdwɔ:fɪzəm]  [ˈdwɔ:rfɪzəm] 

dwarfism 基本解释


名词矮小,矮态; 矮小性

dwarfism 网络解释

1. 侏儒症:不用花大钱,不用高科技,只要在盐里加些碘,就能避免国人智力迟缓以及因缺碘而引发的后遗症,如造成残障的甲状腺肿(disabling goiters)、呆小病(cretinism)和侏儒症(dwarfism)等.

2. 矮小:dwarfish 矮小的 | dwarfism 矮小 | dwell on 细想

3. 侏儒:Duplication 复制 | Dwarfism 侏儒 | Dysentery 痢疾

4. 矮小,侏儒症:duodenum 十二指肠 | dwarfism 矮小,侏儒症 | dystrophic hyperkeratosis 营养不良性角化过度

dwarfism 单语例句

1. dwarfism

1. The surgical procedure was originally developed in Russia to help patients with legs disfigured by accidents or birth defects such as dwarfism.

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

2. Medical expert Luo Feihong from Children's Hospital of Fudan University pointed out that there is no single cause of dwarfism.

3. When she was nine, a doctor from Beijing diagnosed her as carrying congenital dwarfism and could no longer grow.

4. Jiang Songling was diagnosed with congenital dwarfism when she was four years old.

5. Little people affected by dwarfism are helping themselves through an association to protect their rights and provide support for members.

6. dwarfism

6. Many of them have suffered from inferiority complexes because of the negative connotations dwarfism carries in society.

7. dwarfism是什么意思

7. Zhong Huawei's body stopped growing when he was a child due to dwarfism.

dwarfism 英英释义



1. a genetic abnormality resulting in short stature

    Synonym: nanism
