
milliner [ˈmɪlɪnə(r)]  ['mɪlɪnər] 


milliner 基本解释


milliner 网络解释

1. 女帽商:毫升 millilitre | 女帽商 milliner | 女帽类 millinery

2. 女帽制造及贩卖商:millimole 毫克分子 | milliner 女帽制造及贩卖商 | millinery 女帽类

3. 女帽设计者,女帽制造商:hardliner 主张强硬路线的人 | milliner 女帽设计者,女帽制造商 | topliner 头条新闻的人物

4. 女帽设计者:martyr 殉道者 | milliner 女帽设计者 | misanthrope 愤世嫉俗者

milliner 双语例句


1. Yes, I'm her milliner, and she's a neighbour of mine.


2. The village of Longbourn was only one mile from Meryton; a most convenient distance for the young ladies, who were usually tempted thither three or four times a week, to pay their duty to their aunt, and to a milliner's shop just over the way.


3. A: Do you have a milliner, can I meet him?

4. Milliner. She is also famed for her work on pop art in fashion.


5. A: Do you HAs a milliner, can I meet him?


6. For one night in Paris, you're not a corporate lawyer — you're a concert pianist turned milliner.

7. Her girls had more milliner's furniture than they had ever enjoyed before.

8. Milliner Stephen Jones rose to the occasion with a set of supernal hats, and hair and makeup gurus Julien d`Ys and Pat McGrath made a glam-rock moment live again.
    帽子大师Stephen Jones在秀场上展示了神圣的帽子艺术,彩妆大师 Julien d`Ys和Pat McGrath再现了华丽摇滚的生命。


9. From the fascist's brown shirt to the bishop's purple cassock, authorities have a fetishistic attraction to the tailor and milliner.

10. An awning creaks quietly as the milliner arrives at his shop on Marktgasse.

11. A British friend recently offered me a prized contact from her Manhattan address book – no, not her heavily-in-demand colourist but, instead, her milliner.

12. 'Yes, I'm her milliner, and she's a neighbour of mine.'


13. The apples display their milliner's scraps of ivory silk, orse-tinged.

14. These two girls had been above an hour in the place, happily employed in visiting an opposite milliner, watching the sentinel on guard, and dressing a sallad and cucumber.


15. Where is the nearest milliner?

16. Some celebrities are gravitating to the milliner Jess Collett, whose shop in the heart of the trendy Notting Hill area she likens to a candy store.

milliner 词典解释

1. 女帽商;制作(或出售)女帽的人
    A milliner is a person whose job is making or selling women's hats.

milliner 单语例句

1. milliner的近义词

1. But it was in China that she finally got an opportunity to pursue her dream of being a successful milliner.

milliner 英英释义


1. someone who makes and sells hats

    Synonym: hatmaker hatter modiste
