







mazing 基本解释
mazing 网络解释

1. 看大自然的:谁说人生boring | 看大自然的mazing | 感受活着的pleasing

mazing 双语例句

1. A-mazing grace how sweet the sound Bm E7 A A7 that saved a wretch like me D D7 G D I once was lost but now am found, Bm A7 D D was blind but now I see T'was grace that taught my heart to fear, and grace my fears relieved How precious did that grace appear, the hour I first believed Thro'many dangers, toils, and snares, I have already come'Tis grace hath brought me safe thus far, and grace will lead me home When we've been there ten thousand years, bright shining as the sun We've no less days to sing God's praise Than when we first begun.


2. China i s a n a mazing country.


3. We will get a mazing number if we gather the statistics of people who came to the exhibition last week.

4. I love chin a. Chin a i s an a mazing country. Chin a is th e future of th e world.

5. B: Chin a is an a mazing country. Chin a has friendly people and great food.
    c9 X' p N6 o1 k g' u (中国是个迷人的国家,中国有友好的人民和很美味的食物。


6. In 1966 the a mazing North Korean team made it to the quarter finals.

7. To be here and to bring the Cup back to State s is just an a mazing feeling. But more importantly, just to share the journey with these guys. It just been much fun.

8. Forget the drive-thru, now you can eat your Big Mac and fries at an air-mazing McDonald's restaurant on this decommissioned aircraft.


9. Traditional tower defense concepts like'mazing'and'juggling'always felt awkward to me because it would force you to play against the'pathing algorithm'of the enemies.
