
maze [meɪz]  [mez] 







maze 基本解释

名词迷宫; 迷惑; 错综复杂; 迷宫图

及物动词使困惑; 使混乱; 迷失

maze 相关例句



1. She was lost in the maze for several hours.

2. He was in such a maze that he couldn't speak.

maze 网络解释


1. 迷津:5、迷津(maze) 学习、记忆的经典实验,至今仍经常采用. 常用的装置有Y型迷路、水迷路和Morris水迷津. 6、小鸡的一次性味觉----回避学习行为的动物模型 Cherkin等人(1969)在前人研究的基础上,

2. 爆熱時空:<<爆热时空>>(Maze) 可爱的女孩MAZE在睡梦中被从床上震落,结果发现自己和房子一起落到了异世界的森林中,正巧压死了在那里追捕某国公主蜜儿的兽人. 随后梅兹与蜜儿又遭到一伙骑士的追杀,危机时刻,梅兹的手中发出了耀眼的光球,

3. (梅兹):主题:丹麦乒乓球名将梅兹(MAZE)获得2009年利勃海尔杯欧洲乒乓球锦标赛冠军!丹麦乒乓球名将梅兹(MAZE)获得2009年利勃海尔杯欧洲乒乓球锦标赛冠军!

maze 词典解释

1. 迷宫
    A maze is a complex system of passages or paths between walls or hedges and is designed to confuse people who try to find their way through it, often as a form of amusement.

    e.g. The palace has extensive gardens, a maze, and tennis courts.

2. (街道、房间、地道)错综复杂;迷津
    A maze of streets, rooms, or tunnels is a large number of them that are connected in a complicated way, so that it is difficult to find your way through them.

    e.g. The children lead me through the maze of alleys to the edge of the city.
    e.g. ...a maze of dimly-lighted, brown-carpeted corridors.

3. 错综复杂的想法;复杂难懂的话题;纷繁复杂的规则
    You can refer to a set of ideas, topics, or rules as a maze when a large number of them are related to each other in a complicated way that makes them difficult to understand.

    e.g. The book tries to steer you through the maze of alternative therapies.
    e.g. ...the maze of rules and regulations.

maze 单语例句


1. Making their way through the maze, tourists can learn about China's agriculture.

2. Most people envision a maze of factories, constantly churning out the cheap goods we all know and love.

3. One point archeologists agree on is that " China's biggest maze " - as the site is colloquially known - would have been virtually impenetrable.

4. Maze of the Middle Class, is finished with a gray and subdued color scheme.

5. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

5. Due to its graceful conformation, it is regarded as the museum of karst cave and underground maze.

6. Merchants truck the dirt from the central town of Hinche to the La Saline market, a maze of tables of vegetables and meat swarming with flies.

7. With 31 provinces, the pension system is a maze of disparate rules.

8. Wang had a favorite spot through a maze of alleys to a small eatery on the side of the lake.

9. The ghosts " haunt " the " Maze of Terror " attraction where their job is to scare customers, a task they seem to be performing too well.

10. The interesting pumpkin bowling contest, amazing pumpkin carving class and pumpkin maze can provide a pumpkin amusement paradise.

maze 英英释义


1. complex system of paths or tunnels in which it is easy to get lost

    Synonym: labyrinth

2. something jumbled or confused

    e.g. a tangle of government regulations

    Synonym: tangle snarl
