
materialization [məˌtɪərɪəlaɪ'zeɪʃn]  [məˌtɪərɪrlaɪ'zeɪʃn] 

materialization 基本解释


名词物化; 物质化,具体化

materialization 网络解释

1. 质化:在上述这些倾向中,其主要的根源是在如何认识民间文化上出现了偏差,将民间文化物质化(materialization)、静态化(staticization)、本质化(essentialization)、结晶化(crystallization)了.

2. 实体化:而这些都是面向文档的分布式数据库(Document Oriented Distributed Databases)着重打算解决的典型问题. 可定义一个缩减块(reduce block)来缩减视图的初始映射数据. 视图可被实体化(materialized)以提高查询的性能. 分布式实体化(materialization)已经可用,不过即将重写.

materialization 单语例句

1. By singing praise for the lost beauty of the nature, he challenges today's consumerism and materialization.

2. materialization

2. The rationalization and optimization of judicial functions and power has a direct bearing on the materialization of justice.

3. The more detailed a plan is, the more possible its materialization will better serve the residents involved.

materialization 英英释义


1. something that comes into existence as a result

    e.g. industrialism prepared the way for acceptance of the French Revolution's various socialistic offspring
           this skyscraper is the solid materialization of his efforts

    Synonym: offspring materialisation

2. an appearance in bodily form (as of a disembodied spirit)

    Synonym: materialisation manifestation

3. the process of coming into being
    becoming reality

    e.g. the materialization of her dream

    Synonym: materialisation
