
offspring [ˈɒfsprɪŋ]  [ˈɔ:fsprɪŋ] 

offspring 基本解释

名词后代,子孙; 产物,结果; (动物的)崽; 幼苗

offspring 网络解释


1. 子代:而有寻找全域最佳解(global optimal)的能力,因此本藉由评估亲代( Parents)对外界环境的适应力因的交配与突变,产生子代(Offspring)完成一世代向,且以分区(Zonation)法将区域参数化为两区,即2.

2. 子孙:Oasis 绿洲 | Offspring 子孙 | Orb 球体

3. 后人、孩子、子女:let out 放出、泄露 | offspring 后人、孩子、子女 | break out 爆发

offspring 词典解释

1. 孩子;子女;后代;(动物的)崽
    You can refer to a person's children or to an animal's young as their offspring .

    e.g. Eleanor was now less anxious about her offspring than she had once been.

offspring 单语例句

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. The measures specify punishments for officials personally engaged in business operations and for the spouses or offspring of officials who run businesses.


2. Some don't care if dogs are carelessly matched or even bred with their own offspring.

3. And she's not the only prime ministerial offspring to choose a more glamorous route to success than politics.

4. offspring

4. Now my colleague interpreted this as a sign that Chinese families value education and are more caring for their offspring compared to others.

5. People with common sense can see the procedure is not fair but weighed in favor of officials'offspring.

6. There are also the practical issues of housing, finance and offspring that prevent seniors from living together even when otherwise compatible.

7. For Ji, being the offspring of a famous man did not guarantee happiness or contentment.

8. People whose mothers were still alive both gave birth to more offspring and raised a higher proportion of those offspring to adulthood.

9. offspring的翻译

9. Food safety officials in Britain are to investigate a claim that milk from the offspring of a cloned cow was on sale for public consumption.

10. The curtain raised and all 68 of those offspring waved from center stage while Leno tickled a wandering tot.

offspring 英英释义


1. any immature animal

    Synonym: young

2. something that comes into existence as a result

    e.g. industrialism prepared the way for acceptance of the French Revolution's various socialistic offspring
           this skyscraper is the solid materialization of his efforts

    Synonym: materialization materialisation

3. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

3. the immediate descendants of a person

    e.g. she was the mother of many offspring
           he died without issue

    Synonym: progeny issue
