





Marines 基本解释
Marines 网络解释


1. 陆战队:今天美军由陆(Army)、海(Navy)、空(Air Force)、海军陆战队(Marines)四大军种构成,海军陆战队在军费开支中有优先权,能购买比其他军种更先进的武器装备. 海军陆战队司令是美国参谋长联席会议成员,有机会担任参联会主席.

2. 陆战队员:Marine corpe 海军陆战队 | Marines 陆战队员 | Marisat 海事卫星

3. 士兵:I love you.|我就爱上了你 | Marines.|士兵 | I can't breathe.|我喘不过气来了

Marines 单语例句

1. The video showed Turney in checkered head scarf and her uniform eating with other sailors and marines.

2. Marines的翻译

2. Marines guarding a nearby checkpoint reached the ranch after a wounded man approached them and asked for help.

3. Most marines collect their first tattoo after boot camp, and add to it periodically.

4. Marines

4. Marines aboard the chopper returned fire, killing one of the gunmen.

5. Marines in the area have launched operations just about weekly, hoping to clear insurgents out of town after town.

6. Marines的近义词

6. The Marines later reported a ninth combat death Saturday but did not say whether it was in the car bombing or another action.

7. The US Marine Corps Combat Development Command confirmed three Marines were disciplined on Monday for their roles in the desecration of enemy corpses in Afghanistan.

8. Marines take their tattoos very seriously, and the latest edict from Commandant General James Conway is likely to cause some grumbling.

9. Marines什么意思

9. Obama lingered a few minutes at each table as the Marines and sailors and their families stood to greet their next commander in chief.

10. If at first the marines felt constrained by orders to protect civilians, by now the battle had become so intense that there was little time for niceties.
