
malign [məˈlaɪn]  [məˈlaɪn] 







malign 基本解释

及物动词污蔑,诽谤; 中伤,说坏话

形容词有害的; 恶性的,恶意的

malign 同义词

动词smear defame slander slur

malign 反义词


malign 网络解释

1. 怨恨,怀恶意,邪恶的:malicious 怀恶意的 | malign 怨恨,怀恶意,邪恶的 | malignant 有害,恶毒的

2. 恶毒的:malicious remarks 恶言毒语 | malign 恶毒的 | malignant behavior 邪恶行为

3. 诽谤:maliciously 有敌意地 | malign 诽谤 | malignance 恶意

4. 诬蔑,诋毁 污蔑,诋毁:malicious prosecution 恶意控告 恶意控告 | malign 诬蔑,诋毁 污蔑,诋毁 | malpractice 失职 失职

malign 词典解释

1. 诽谤;中伤;污蔑
    If you malign someone, you say unpleasant and untrue things about them.

    e.g. We maligned him dreadfully when you come to think of it...
    e.g. Either the managers have been maligned or they are not telling the truth.

2. 有害的;不良的
    If something is malign, it causes harm.

    e.g. ...the malign influence jealousy had on their lives...
    e.g. Reliance on sponsorship can have a malign effect on theatre groups.

3. see also: much-maligned

malign 单语例句

1. Gossip columns in the media love to malign Shanghai women as being snobbish, materialistic and even loose in their lives.

2. The injection is mainly used to treat promyelocytic leukemia and malign lymphomas and is conducive to enhancing the effectiveness of radiotherapy.

3. However, what European countries are most concerned about is malign inflation.

4. Many netizens use unknown people's photographs to support their views or claims or known people's photographs to malign them.

5. Even today there is an organized attempt by the Western media to malign the image of our two countries.

6. They are probably the last generation of victims affected by this malign custom in China.

7. Freedom of speech is relative and doesn't give anyone the license to malign others.

8. malign在线翻译

8. The use of photographs to malign someone is not uncommon on the Internet.

9. malign是什么意思

9. If there is indeed an attempt to malign China, it has to reverse that trend.

10. malign什么意思

10. Koizumi's visit to the Yasukuni Shrine is a " malign event " for Asian peoples who fell victim to Japan's aggressive wars.

malign 英英释义


1. speak unfavorably about

    e.g. She badmouths her husband everywhere

    Synonym: badmouth traduce drag through the mud


1. having or exerting a malignant influence

    e.g. malevolent stars
           a malefic force

    Synonym: malefic malevolent evil

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. evil or harmful in nature or influence

    e.g. prompted by malign motives
           believed in witches and malign spirits
           gave him a malign look
           a malign lesion
