
lunacy [ˈlu:nəsi]  [ˈlunəsi] 


lunacy 基本解释


名词精神失常; 极蠢

lunacy 网络解释


1. 疯狂疗养院:<<疯狂疗养院>>(Lunacy)正是电影痴心中意属这类型的电影之一. 捷克动画大师扬斯凡克梅耶(Jan vankmajer)用肉、内脏、眼球、舌与骨头一格一格拍摄下的创意动画,与真人演出的故事交错结合诠释疗养院的故事. 文雅的说法是精神疗养院,

2. 精神病:twist one's wrist/ankle 扭伤 | lunacy 精神病 | hand, foot and mouth disease 手足口病

3. 大痴:lumpyrockpileuneven 磊 | lunacy 大痴 | lunacy 精神失常

lunacy 词典解释

1. lunacy

1. 荒诞;愚蠢
    If you describe someone's behaviour as lunacy, you mean that it seems very strange or foolish.

    e.g. ...the lunacy of the tax system...
    e.g. It remains lunacy to produce yet more coal to add to power stations' stockpiles.

2. 精神错乱
    Lunacy is severe mental illness.

lunacy 单语例句

1. " She's layered lunacy from head to toe, " Blackwell said.

2. " Many Chinese people used to consider depression as lunacy, " said Tian.

3. For mine, the risk of permitting Hitler behavioural traits other than lunacy is worth the risk.

4. The Year of the Pig is where it's at and Club BonBon ushers in the occasion with a full week of Lunar Lunacy.

lunacy 英英释义


1. foolish or senseless behavior

    Synonym: folly foolery tomfoolery craziness indulgence

2. obsolete terms for legal insanity

    Synonym: madness insaneness
