
craziness ['kreɪzɪnəs]  ['kreɪzɪnəs] 

craziness 基本解释


craziness 同义词


craziness 反义词


craziness 相关例句


1. At first we were very much interested in him, but now we are afraid of his craziness.

2. You can feel the slight craziness of the tower in a strong wind.

craziness 网络解释

1. 发狂:crazily 发狂地 | craziness 发狂 | crazy quilt 碎布被单

2. 发狂, 热中, 狂热:crazily || 疯子似地, 摇摇晃晃地, 发狂地 | craziness || 发狂, 热中, 狂热 | crazing glaze || (陶瓷)罅釉, 细裂纹釉

3. 狂热:courage 勇气 | craziness 狂热 | dejection 沮丧

craziness 单语例句

1. It is full of practical craziness, great humour and yet quite serious.

2. Sometimes their craziness moves me, and it's my great pleasure to have them care for me so much.

3. craziness在线翻译

3. " I'm always tagged with craziness but the crazy idea really works, " he said.

4. There will be those who will enjoy a film with such gentile craziness.

5. But I think all this craziness about my marriage is really funny.

craziness 英英释义



1. foolish or senseless behavior

    Synonym: folly foolery tomfoolery lunacy indulgence

2. craziness在线翻译

2. the quality of being rash and foolish

    e.g. trying to drive through a blizzard is the height of folly
           adjusting to an insane society is total foolishness

    Synonym: folly foolishness madness

3. craziness什么意思

3. informal terms for insanity

    Synonym: daftness flakiness
