
lousy [ˈlaʊzi]  [ˈlaʊzi] 




lousy 基本解释

形容词讨厌的; 污秽的; 多虱的; 不清洁的

lousy 相关例句



1. He is lousy with money.

2. What a lousy day I've had!

lousy 网络解释


1. 糟糕的:糟糕的(Lousy)地图.这家伙(做review的人)根本不知道怎么做他的工作...这游戏比他做的(video review)样子好多了

2. 差劲的:除了澳大利亞与纽西兰两个白人国家不超过半小时,其他亜洲国家或地区都要长时时辛勤努力工作后才能买得起一个巨无霸汉堡, 中国人要工作近四小时,巴基斯坦人要用十四个多小时換得一个差劲的(lousy)拉圾食物!

3. 差劲:37. Listen! 听着! | 38. Lousy! 差劲! | 39. Marvelous ! 棒极了!

4. 恶心的 很糟的:malicious 坏心的 恶毒的 gall 恶毒 | lousy 恶心的 很糟的 | nousea 恶心 作呕

lousy 双语例句


1. That money is a lousy way of keeping score.

2. M that money is a lousy way of keeping score.


3. Today my friend chided me for being an erratic lousy Singaporean, always flitting in and out of my home country.


4. This is not the painfully lousy browser the Instinct shipped with not by a long shot.

5. Riding with one hand to take this lousy photo, leaning into the wind with my camera at my chest, was one of the most dangerous things I did on this ride.

6. Despite its huge potential market of 1.1 billion people, despite its wealth of English-speakers and democratic institutions, despite its vaunted 15-year-old reforms, India has been a daunting place to do business, its entrepreneurs chained down by the world's most bureaucratic bureaucracy, lousy infrastructure and lousier Fabian economic ideas.


7. I`m very lousy on taking pictures, I need captions, and seemly as if it`s not least enough, lengthy descriptions as this, to help me keep a record of my own mood, so that I can, when I look back at the picture, relive the moment that locks the man, the scene, the passerby`s, and myself as well.


8. Success is a lousy teacher. It seduces people into thinking they can't lose.


9. Some men make great lovers in a romantic affair, but lousy husbands. Some women are fantastic part-time companions, but terrible full time wives.

10. StevenPage: Well, I'm lousy at latte art, or lart, as I call it.

11. I`m gotta give you till the count of three, to get your lousy, lying low-down, four-flushing carcass out my door!


12. I couldn`t eat, my hair fell out, I felt plain lousy.

13. Now why the hell should I want to go to a lousy hockey game?

14. Forgot: any more than he forgot the whipping lousy lucy gave him. and left the femme de trente ans

15. Zheng: According to what I know, master Men`s daughter is dead and the cause of death is unclear. After that, master Men is disappeared. Even if Mr. Yin Zhong is still recognized as a son-in-law of Men`s family, master Men should come out and make a declaration. Then, we, Wan-ren clique, would has a chance to bring up our request for buying the sword.(leans slightly forward with his hands grips each other) Mr. Yin, you must remember that master Men made a terrible mistake once. The lousy swords he forged cause many people in Wu-lin died, the friends of Wan-ren clique included. Now, I am not going to blame him for that and sincerely intend to buy the Hydes sword at reasonable price instead. It`s indeed very kind to him!

16. You were a lousy wife, and I hated you.

17. Well, I make the haul up... And this lousy so-and-so tells me...

18. But if your entire house has lousy cell coverage, it won't work as a repeater.

19. But if your entire house has lousy cell coverage, it wont work as a repeater.

20. It is soooo much easier to be successful in a business with good economics, even if you make some mistakes, than in an industry with lousy economics but a hip fun workplace.

lousy 词典解释

1. 很差的;糟糕的;恶劣的
    If you describe something as lousy, you mean that it is of very bad quality or that you do not like it.

    e.g. He blamed Fiona for a lousy weekend...
    e.g. At Billy's Cafe, the menu is limited and the food is lousy...

2. 蹩脚的;不擅长的;不中用的
    If you describe someone as lousy, you mean that they are very bad at something they do.

    e.g. I was a lousy secretary...
    e.g. There can be no argument about how lousy he is at public relations.

3. lousy什么意思

3. 微薄的;些微的;可怜的
    If you describe the number or amount of something as lousy, you mean it is smaller than you think it should be.

    e.g. The pay is lousy.

4. 很难受的;非常不舒服的
    If you feel lousy, you feel very ill.

    e.g. I wasn't actually sick but I felt lousy.

lousy 单语例句

1. If the market is correcting the government's previous lousy land policy, should anything be done to undo it?

2. lousy什么意思

2. She had tried it once in Manila on a dare from a cousin but recalls it was a " lousy experience ".

3. In an interview on British television, he explained that the landmark environment treaty was a " lousy deal " for the US economy.

4. George Clooney doesn't want to get married again because he is a " lousy " husband.

5. Consumers in some cities complain that the quality of their service is deteriorating, with a rising number of dropped calls and lousy reception.

6. danci.911cha.com

6. But the editor thought the poem was so lousy that the young man doesn't have any reason to live.

7. For generations pecan prices have fallen with bumper crops and soared with lousy ones.

8. The new report combs a decade of research to conclude people generally do a lousy job.

9. Britain's lousy weather might have contributed to the national obsession, but experts say it's the royal family that has kept it alive.

10. lousy

10. " I was lousy that day and the place - an elevator - made things worse, " he admits.

lousy 英英释义


1. infested with lice

    e.g. burned their lousy clothes

2. very bad

    e.g. a lousy play
           it's a stinking world

    Synonym: icky crappy rotten shitty stinking stinky

3. lousy的反义词

3. vile

    e.g. a dirty (or lousy) trick
           a filthy traitor

    Synonym: dirty filthy
